Page 152 of Enduring Darkness

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As Kaden and I come to a halt before him, the priest gives us a nod and a small smile. Then he raises his voice so that it carries across the entire church.

“We have gathered here today not only to join two people in holy matrimony,” he begins. “But also to join two families. It is time to put aside your guns and become one. It is time to trust—”

A loud bang sounds from the back of the church.

Guns are cocked and clothes rustle as everyone shoots to their feet.

Towards the back, the fiery redhead who came here with Jace flushes a bright shade of scarlet where she’s standing next to a chair she toppled over while no doubt trying to sneak away. Embarrassment pulsing on her face, she snaps her mouth shut and promptly sits down again.

I shift my gaze to the rest of the crowd.

And find a standoff.

With guns.

Lots of guns.

Everyone on my side of the aisle is on their feet and pointing weapons at the Hunters while they’re scanning the church for signs of an ambush. On the other side of the aisle, all of the Hunters and the rest of their people are standing up as well, guns leveled at my family and our people as they flick their gazes around the room in search of the threat.

I burst out laughing.

Well, maybe that trust between our families that the priest was talking about needs some work.

But Kaden and I trust each other. And that is all that matters.

Once everyone notices the toppled chair and the mortified woman sitting next to it, several people from both sides of the aisle clear their throats awkwardly. My dad and Jonathan Hunter exchange a quick look, flick an apologetic glance towards me and Kaden, and then wave a hand for their respective sides to stand down.

The sound of guns being de-cocked echoes throughout the room as everyone inside the church stops leveling weapons at each other and instead sits back down.

Laughing again, I shake my head at our two insane families.

Next to me, Kaden huffs out an amused breath as well.

“Did you know that all of them were armed?” he asks quietly.

“Nope,” I whisper as I turn back around to face him. “You?”

“Not a clue.”

Light from the candles glitter in his eyes as he holds my gaze.

On our other side, the priest, who had taken cover during the short standoff, is straightening again and awkwardly brushing his hands down his robes.

“We should probably just kiss now before someone starts shooting,” I muse, a smile tugging at my mouth.

A wide smile spreads across his lips. “Good idea.”

Sliding a hand along my jaw, he threads his fingers through my hair as he leans down to claim my mouth.

Fireworks explode inside my soul as he kisses me fiercely.

His brothers let out cheers and whoops.

“Wait,” the priest calls, sounding distressed. “You’re not supposed to kiss yet.”

While still keeping one hand in my hair and kissing me senseless, Kaden produces a knife from somewhere in his suit and levels it at the priest in a silent threat.

I laugh against his lips.

Kaden Hunter is mine. This beautiful, dangerous, knife-wielding villain is all mine. And I am his.

And God help anyone who gets in our way.
