Page 31 of Sin Eater

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I follow the walls, my fingertips resting on the stone at eye level. The property is so vast that it takes me a little over an hour and a half to complete the circuit without having detected a single entrance.

“Any ideas, Einstein?” I ask, discouraged, as my specter twirls before me, perplexed.

Since our destination is in sight, he seems more preoccupied than usual. How I can sense his feverishness when he's currently in a foggy state, I don't know. But it's impossible to deny that he's stressed. I can understand that his desire to find his body takes precedence over everything else, and that the stakes are high, but we're getting closer to the goal. Why this taciturn look? He should be thrilled. Okay, it's a bit early to be claiming victory, but all the same, a little optimism would go a long way.

“Let me think,” he replies after a moment. “The idea being to conceal all comings and goings, I wouldn’t imagine that the access is here. In the event of a siege, it would be immediately detected and could be a disadvantage to the attackers.”


“We're too close. We need to distance ourselves to see the big picture.”

“Now you tell me?”

As I was saying, my ghost's “mind” is elsewhere. When you put it like that, it's kind of comical, but it's impossible to describe it any other way.

“I didn't think of it before, I admit,” he apologizes, confused.

He avoids my gaze. I'm beginning to wonder if he's a lunatic.

“Which way?”

We're surrounded by hills that all look the same: greasy grass as far as the eye can see, and the odd bushy grove.

He materializes his hand to take hold of mine and pulls me a little lower. One by one, he examines every unusual feature. Every bush, every stone is thoroughly inspected. Yet the morning goes by without us detecting the slightest trace of passage.

Discouraged, I sit down on a rock. At the same time, the rain invites itself into the game. Just what I needed! I'm already freezing, but if I'm soaking wet, I'm going to die before someone else does me in!

“Have a look!”

What's he raving about now?

“The rain, it’s pouring.”

Fabulous! The rain is pouring. Now, that's a useful observation!

I let out a nervous laugh. He stares at me, a little offended. I should explain to him how weary I am, struggling with physical and human contingencies, which he seems to have totally overlooked. Anyway, I let myself go and enjoy this moment, a veritable beneficial outlet.

“Stop laughing at me and watch a little more carefully,” he snarls, following the current as it makes its way downhill before disappearing underground.

My mirth ceases as suddenly as it began. I leap to my feet and approach him.

“A spring?”


He disappears behind a bush. What the hell is he doing?

Cautiously, I push aside the branches and discover a low stone arch concealed by moss and a large quantity of leaves. As I approach, I realize that it covers a narrow staircase that plunges into the bowels of the hill. I push open the wrought-iron gate and enter the dark passage.

I don't have much to go on; once at the bottom of the stairs, the little light that had penetrated the passage is swallowed up by darkness. Deprived of my sight, I grope feverishly, my head cradled in my neck so as not to scrape the overly low ceiling. Should I move on or turn back before it's too late? If someone comes upon me here, I'll have no way of hiding or escaping.

It's downright risky, especially since, if this passageway exists, there must be others that are more accessible and less oppressive.

I freeze, hesitant. My heart is beating so fast it feels like it has migrated between my eardrums. I take a few steps forward when something brushes against my calf!

Because there are bugs here too?!

Trying to escape, I nearly slip on the damp, uneven cobbles; the perfect combination to end up in pieces.
