Page 16 of Deadline To Murder

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“I did. In fact, I met McKay briefly at the signing yesterday. We’re meeting this morning for breakfast. He wants to interview me, but I called him last night, so I think that’ll be the main subject of our meeting.”

“Are you okay? I don’t think you ever told me.”

“I didn’t, but I am. It was kind of awful.”

“What happened?”

“I was taking a walk, and something caught my attention. I saw the murderer kill Cobain…”

“Did he see you?”

“I don’t know. If he did, I don’t think he saw me well enough to identify me. He took off in a boat, and I ran down to see if Cobain—although I didn’t know it was him until I turned him over—was dead or if I could help.”

“I take it he was dead?”

“I’m afraid so. Jess, he had a vintage typewriter ribbon pulled tight around his neck. I told the detective, but I don’t that he added anything to my initial report.”

“From what Thorn says about the guy, he probably didn’t. If you’re meeting with McKay, Thorn says you’re in good hands, and he’ll call in the cavalry if you need them. Bye, sweetie.” She could hear Jess kissing Thorn.

“I’m going to assume you were talking to Thorn.”

Jess laughed. “Yes, but now that he’s gone, please tell me you’re going to try and figure this out.”

“But of course,” Lori laughed.

“Oh goodie,” Jessica said deviously. “Fiona tells me McKay is pretty dishy…”

“Fiona knows?”

“No. McKay flew over after the wedding and took pictures for them.”

Lori groaned. “Tell me she’s not trying to set me up with him.”

“I don’t think even Fiona would go to the extreme of killing Cobain, although whoever did it, did the world a favor. She just mentioned that one of us might throw a party and make sure you were both invited. I, of course, then looked him up online. He’s not just dishy, the guy is romance cover model material.”

“God save Christie and me from the two of you. And on that subject, have you and Thorn set a wedding date?”

It was Jessica’s turn to groan. “No, and I think my excuses are starting to wear a little thin.”

“Don’t you want to marry him?” Lori asked, concerned.

“I don’t have an objection to getting married to him, I just never saw myself as being married. Don’t get me wrong, I love the man with every fiber of my being. It just seems like one of those milestones in life. You know—you grow up and find a great job, get married, and then you die.”

“So, you’re telling me you think if you don’t get married, you’ll never die?” Lori asked, laughing.

“Well, when you put it that way, it does sound silly. We’ll figure it out. Either I’ll get my head screwed on straight or Thorn will do it for me.”

Lori laughed. “I have faith in his ability to screw you into anything he wants.”

“God, you and me both. I just wanted you to know if you need anything we’re here for you—all of us.”

“I know, but I appreciate you calling. I’d better get going. We’re meeting down in the bistro for breakfast.”

“Have fun, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

“That doesn’t leave much out.”

“No, but it makes for a fun and exciting breakfast date.”
