Page 119 of Bet Me Something

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“Mm, I wish you could stay.”

His gaze focused on me, naked on the bed. “Me, too, sweets.” Leaning down, he kissed me. Then he slipped on his shoes and flashed one last PDG before slipping out my door.

I had just rolled over when I heard the raised voices from the hallway. Adrenaline shot through me as I hopped up and slipped on a robe, not bothering to look for the tie. I opened the door meeting the eyes of my brother, whose expression could only be described as confusion morphing into full on rage.

Brian and Colby were squared off in the hallway, but after my brother took one look at me standing in the doorway barely dressed, he went ballistic.

“How could you? With my sister? I trusted you.”

Colby swallowed hard, “I didn’t mean—”

Brian didn’t give him a chance to finish before, his fist met Colby’s jaw, much to my horror. I screamed knowing Colby just couldn’t find the words. “No. Stop. Brian, it’s not what it looks like.”

Colby didn’t bother to fight back, only stood there with his head hung as if in shame.

My brother’s gaze locked on me. “Put some fucking clothes on, Kenzie.”

I winced, realizing I was barely keeping the robe together without the tie. However, I refused to budge. “I’m not leaving with you two fighting in the hall.”

Colby wouldn’t meet my eyes, but I saw him physically react when Josh came out of his room across the way, apparently alerted by the commotion.

Josh looked shocked that the ruckus involved his brother and best friend. “What the hell is going on?” His gaze landed on me and went to my brother.

“Colby slept with my sister,” Brian said, with gritted teeth.

Josh’s face went white, his mouth was grim. “Brian, go talk with Kenzie. Colby, with me. Now.” Josh’s voice was cold, leaving no room for argument.

I watched helplessly while the man I loved walked down the hall without a look back, knowing I couldn’t follow in my current state. Stepping into my room, I left the door open for Brian to follow and took my clothes into the bathroom, frantically throwing on my shorts and a hoodie.

Coming out into my room, I fought the tears while Brian was standing there seething. His eyes focused on the bed and his face turned red with anger all over again at the rumpled state and my clothes strewn about.

I tried to placate him. “We were going to tell you.”

He shook his head. “Tell me what? That my best friend’s brother, who happens to be the biggest manwhore I’ve ever known, has taken advantage of my little sister?”

“It’s not like that.”

“It’s not me bringing you coffee this morning, only to see him coming from your room in last night’s clothes? Were you not standing in your doorway half naked? That’s not what it looked like?”

A knock sounded at the door, and Brian answered it to let Sasha in.

She glanced back and forth between us. “Haylee called and said something happened. What’s going on?”

Great. Bad news definitely traveled fast.

“Colby slept with Kenzie last night is what’s going on. I caught him sneaking out of her room.”

“You make it sound like a one-night stand when it isn’t. We have real feelings for one another,” I argued.

His eyes fixed on me while his jaw hardened. “Stay with her, Sasha. I’m not done speaking with Colby.”

He was out my door before I could stop him.

I turned toward Sasha. “I’m not staying here.”

“Good, because neither am I.”

I took a minute to brush my teeth and splash my face, trying to calm myself. “I’m assuming they’re in Josh’s room?”
