Page 102 of Bet Me Something

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“On what?”

“We can see if the next one is under a minute.”

I giggled. “You’re timing it?”

“Of course, and winner chooses the toy from Pleasure Palace.”

“Oh, you’re on.”

He reached over, grabbing my phone to set the timer while I resolved to win the bet. Unfortunately, as soon as he flashed the PDG, I knew I was in trouble.

* * *

The next morningI prepared to head to the hospital for another round of Elsa and friends singing. It was such a hit with the children that I couldn’t wait to do it again.

Colby had departed for work but had certainly left me with a smile on my face and plenty of memories regarding how I’d happily lost the bet last night. It’s as though he was going for a record or something, and who was I to deny a man his goal?

We made plans to meet for lunch, so we could see one another before he had to fly out for London this evening. My management company finally returned my call and, while their lack of speedy service annoyed me, it did give me a chance to give notice I was moving out in a month. My plan for this week was to start the job hunt. Maybe I could ask someone at the hospital if they had any paid work.

As I was braiding my hair, I heard my phone ring and smiled at the name flashing up. “Hi, Will.” I hadn’t talked to him since New York.

“Hiya, Kenzie, how you going?”

I loved the way Australians greeted people. “Good, thanks. How about you?”

“Great. I’m in LA and wondered if you wanted to get together.”

“Would love to. Matter of fact, what are you doing in an hour?”

* * *

Not only was Willavailable to come to the hospital, but he’d managed to recruit two girls who were in town for the same modelling gig. Turns out he made a stunning Prince Charming, and the two women happily donned Cinderella and Snow White garb. Thank goodness for the hospital coordinator who had all of the costumes ready and was thrilled to have more people join us.

“Thanks for inviting us,” Will said, looking excited.

“Thank you for coming. I’m so happy you didn’t have plans and brought friends.” The two women who’d come were gorgeous and genuinely seemed to be happy about spending time with the kids.

“We’re not shooting until this afternoon, so it worked out. You want to join us tonight? We’re checking out a nightclub downtown.”

With Colby flying to London this evening and my foot finally out of a boot, I didn’t hesitate in saying yes. It would be fun to go out dancing. “Sounds great.”

“How are things with the youngest Singer brother, by the way?” he whispered while we waited for everyone to file in.

I smiled. “Better than before. I’ll fill you in later.” Or should I? Will had a friendship with Haylee, who was married to Colby’s brother. But he also seemed to be able to keep a confidence.

Two hours later, after we’d finished with singing and making the rounds with the kids, I could tell by Will’s expression he was struggling. “You okay?”

He nodded, his blue eyes looking heavy. “I’m blown away with the strength of these kids but it’s still incredibly sad.”

I knew the feeling, especially after the first time. “It is, but for these couple hours, you helped place smiles on their faces. Puts things in perspective, doesn’t it?”

“It definitely does. It looks like someone is waiting to talk with you.”

A man I’d never seen before was standing a few feet away. He appeared to be in his fifties and was wearing a suit and tie. When he caught my gaze, he stepped forward. “Do you have a moment, miss?”

“Sure.” I excused myself from Will, promising to meet him later tonight at the club.

* * *
