Page 66 of A Forest Witch

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I wrapped my arm around his waist and let him lead me inside after the others.

This was my home now.

And this was my coven.



“Hey Autumn.”

I looked up to see Raven standing awkwardly in the doorway. I frowned at him because Raven was never awkward or uncomfortable around me. He usually exuded confidence in all things.

“What’s up?” I asked him as I sat the deck of tarot cards down on the table. Arie had sent them to me along with a box of a bunch of other goodies from the shop she owned along with her husbands.

I absolutely adored everything, but the cards were my favorite, so far. They gave me little tingles every time I touched them and my intuition kicked in.

“You want to take a walk with me? I have something to show you.”

That piqued my curiosity right up.

“Okay,” I said as I slowly stood up.

He took my hand in his as he led me out the door. I expected him to take me up to the house. I was confused when he started walking towards the woods.

If I was honest, I missed being in the woods and one with nature. But I avoided the woods because I was trying to be as normal as I possibly could be.

But it wasn’t really working for me and I was trying to hide it. I absolutely did not want any of them finding out and thinking they weren’t giving me everything that I needed, because they were.

This wasn’t about them, it was about me and who I was as a person.

I was a born forest witch and that wasn’t something I’d ever be able to shake.

Sometimes I just wanted to feel like I was one with the forest again.

He stopped abruptly and pointed up at something. “Look. That’s yours. We built it for you. It’s your gift for joining our coven. There’s a courting phase that we didn’t get to go through because of the extreme circumstances in how you came to be with us and everything that followed. Usually the coven is expected to buy gifts and things and take their potential family out on dates. You missed out on all of that. You’re also not materialistic because of how you were raised. So we thought since we were already doing things differently and it’s clearly working for us so why change now.”

I didn’t want gifts and thought the whole concept sounded bizarre to me. Why would they buy me gifts when they’d given me themselves as my family and that was the greatest thing they could ever give to me.

“I don’t need anything,” I whispered in a voice full of emotion. “I already have everything I could possibly ever want.”

He grinned at me. “Yeah, honey, I know you feel that way. It’s one of the reasons why you’re so perfect for us. But, just because you don’t need anything doesn’t mean we aren’t going to give you anything. You deserve the world and it’s our job to see that you get it.”

That was sweet, really, but I didn’t want them to give me things. I didn’t want there to be an unbalance in our relationships. I wasn’t able to give them materialistic things because money didn’t have any meaning to me. I had never had it, never used it, and I had no desire to start now.

This was something the guys and I had already talked about and they agreed and wholeheartedly supported me in this. They were more than happy to take care of all of the bills and everything and assured me that my living here didn’t really affect these things for them.

I wasn’t so sure I believed that but I agreed with them that I wasn’t going to worry about it.

I was living in a happy little bubble and was glad to be able to stay there.

My upbringing meant that I wasn’t a normal witch and I could stress or worry about that fact but it would do me no good to do so. They clearly had no issues with it and didn’t want or need me to change in order to fit in with my life here with them. I appreciated them more for it. It was also another reason why we fit so well together. They loved me for my differences and it truly was a beautiful thing for me to experience.

“Come on,” he said as he tugged on my hand. “Let me show you.”

I smiled gratefully at him and let him lead me where he wanted to. I’d follow him anywhere, all he had to do was ask.

When he stopped walking he squeezed my hand. “Look, baby,” he encouraged in a gentle, probing voice.
