Page 60 of A Forest Witch

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“Some of us are still trying to sleep here,” Raven growled. “Will you all shut the fuck up so that we can get back to doing that?”

My giggles turned into outright laughter, my whole body shaking with it.

My stomach growled angrily, demanding my attention, and everyone in my bed groaned loudly at the intrusion.

“Fuck,” Mason muttered. “I’ll get up and get breakfast started for everyone. But I’m not serving all of you fuckers breakfast in bed. You’ll need to come downstairs and eat.”

“With any luck it’ll be our last meal shared with Ariel and Rain for a long time to come,” Raven continued to growl. Maybe it was just his normal morning voice. Whatever the case, I liked the sound of it.

But Ariel and Rain’s inevitable departure was a sobering thought for me. I had never had friends before. I didn’t even know if I consider the two of them to be my friends or even if they would consider me one back. But they both had done nothing but look out for me since they first laid eyes on me and they always seemed to have my best interest at heart.

It would honor me a great deal to have them consider me as their friend and allow me to do the same with them in return.

I would miss them a great deal when they were gone. I knew they couldn’t stay here for forever though. They both had families and homes to return to.

I did not begrudge them this. I understood it because I now had a family and a home to call my own and I never planned on being away from either for very long.

The problem was, I wasn’t quite sure how to say goodbye to anyone I cared about because I hadn’t had to do such a thing ever before.

I wanted them to stay with me because, as gruff as they both could be, I’d grown very used to their presence.

Raven kissed my shoulder, my bare shoulder, and it was then I remembered I had gone to sleep completely naked and now I was lying in bed with all of them without a single stitch of clothing on.

“It’ll be okay, baby,” he whispered as he pulled my back in closer to his front, snuggling into me. “Just because they’re going home doesn’t mean you won’t get to see them again. You can text them both every day and video chat them whenever you want to. And, I have no idea what Ariel’s plans are for the Council exactly but now that you’re a part of it I’m sure you’ll be seeing her often enough to fulfill those duties. And we can also go and visit them as often as you’d like. I give you my word. Whenever you want to, baby, we’ll get on a plane.”

That actually made me feel so much better.

“Thank you, Raven,” I murmured quietly. I didn’t know how he always knew just the right thing to say to me but somehow he always managed it.

“Of course, baby. Anything you want.”

“Anything, hmm?” I asked playfully, having had enough of the heavy stuff for the morning.

They had awakened certain desires in my body and I was all in and here for exploring all of them.

A hand slid up past my knee and wrapped firmly around my thigh.

“Do you want to learn how to handle dick, sweetheart?” Liam asked in a playful voice. “Or did Mason already teach you that"?”

The bed shifted and Liam yelped painfully.

“For fuck’s sake,” Gunner snapped. “You’ve had your dick your whole life, you already know how to play with it. Leave the poor girl alone. She’ll let you know when she wants to play with your cock. Go and take a shower if you need release so badly.”

Gunner having my back meant everything to me and I really appreciated it.


I adored Liam for a reason. He could handle me with care and did, more often than not. Since last night he’d been showing me that he could also treat me like a normal female that he desired and wanted a great deal.

I appreciated and adored both sides of him.

And I wanted to explore his body. It was more than just a curiosity for the unknown on my part. I wanted him, wanted them, and I wanted to learn how to make them feel as good as they had made me feel.

Liam squeezed my thigh before letting it go and I knew he was about to leave the bed, likely for the shower so he could touch himself and rob me of the experience.

I didn’t want that.

He was mine, they all were now, and their pleasure belonged to me as much as mine belonged to them.
