Page 46 of A Forest Witch

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I didn’t want to have to leave them. But I would if it meant I could make a difference in the world for others like me.

A tear leaked out of my eye and I let it fall.

I hoped I could have both but life didn’t always work out like that.



I put the thick, heavy, old book down and sat back, stunned at what I had just read.

Autumn’s people had either gotten it wrong or they’d lied about her on purpose.

Some of the markings on her body were about protection, guidance, and strength, yes. But the majority was almost like a love note written by Autumn’s mother to her daughter.

It told the story of a woman who had so much love for her child that she’d been willing to sacrifice everything for her and wanted her little girl to know that even though she wasn’t going to get the chance to be with her daughter physically she’d never be alone spiritually because her mother had literally inked her love into her body for her to carry around with her for the rest of her days.

It was devastatingly beautiful and Autumn needed to know about it.

I made copies of the pages out of the books that had the information I had found about her. I tucked one set of copies away for Raven and the rest of my coven to look through if they wanted to, and I stuffed the other copies along with my notes inside of a folder for Autumn.

I’d put it in her room for her to find on her own later because I didn’t want to give it to her in front of anyone else. I thought she had a right to look through them in private. And I also didn’t think it was Rain or anyone else’s business unless she chose to make it theirs.

I glanced at the clock on my desk and cursed under my breath. I’d gotten lost in my head again and I now would likely be late, per usual.

Only no one would give me shit for it this time because of that bullshit injury that had put me down in the woods. My pride still smarted a little bit and I had some proving myself to do.

To myself and to the female witch my coven wanted to claim as our own.



Nobody wanted to be here, and it was very obvious.

I wasn’t sure who was more uncomfortable, Finn or Autumn. The only one I cared about was Autumn. Finn could go fuck himself for all I cared, but for now I was playing the nice guy role because it was best for my coven and Autumn to do so.

Personally, I didn’t understand why we all had to be here when this could easily be a two person job now that the threat had been eliminated.

The bodies had been wrapped up in sheets and they were now on the ground side by side each other, right where the other bodies here had been burned.

“Would anyone like to say anything?” Rain asked the group as a whole.

I covered my mouth with my hand as I choked back my laughter when not a single soul stepped forward to speak up. What the hell was Rain thinking about here?

Ariel ignored everyone, stepped forward, raised both her hands, and the bodies immediately caught fire.

No one spoke as we watched them burn.

I watched Autumn the whole time. She was quiet, which wasn’t exactly a surprise because she always seemed to be a quiet person. I didn’t know if it was something she’d outgrow with time or if she’d always be a quiet, watchful person.

I didn’t care either way, just so long as she was comfortable to be whoever she wanted to be.

With Ariel’s magic fueling the flames it didn’t take long for the bodies to burn down to nothing but ash.

And I was more than ready to get the fuck out of there and never come back. I thought this had been all we’d come here for so I was surprised, to say the least, when Autumn stepped up beside Ariel.

She dropped to her knees and placed her palms flat against the ground.
