Page 42 of A Forest Witch

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They’d given me no indication that they were liars or that they’d ever hurt me but I’d be stupid to trust so easily just yet and I had to be smart or once in my life.

He let go of my hand and patted my leg comfortingly. “Let’s go inside and get something to eat.”

I shook my head, not ready to leave this special place and all the plants that calmed me down and gave me a sense of peace. “I’m going to stay out here a little longer, if that’s okay.”

He leaned down and kissed my forehead. “You stay out here as long as you want. I’ll have lunch sent out to you.”


Why did they all have to be so sweet to me all the time?

If I wasn’t careful I was going to end up falling in love with all of them and never wanting to leave.

And that terrified me most of all.

Because nothing good ever lasted. I’d learned that lesson the hard way. And I had never loved another person before in my entire life.

Did I really want to start now?

I wasn’t so sure that was smart.



I hated that these men were being kept on my property and I hated even more knowing that Rain had been going out here and was torturing them for information.

I also hated that if he’d gotten anything out of them he wasn’t sharing with the rest of us. It, like most things about the man, was really starting to get under my skin.

Too many cooks in the kitchen and all that.

I was ready to be done with this so everyone could go back to their respective homes and get the fuck out of mine.

It would be a long time before I opened up my home again for anymore of their bullshit. I knew Ariel was trying to make changes in our world for the better but I was sick of her involving my people in the shit whenever she needed something.

Though, in all actuality, I’d likely never say no because her cause was always good and her heart was always in the right place. I just didn’t know how she never got burned out or sick of it.

I’d never turn my back on a witch in need but I was beginning to get so sick and tired of it all,

I wanted a chance at making sure my coven got it’s happily ever after and I wanted to say fuck all the rest. I’d never been able to be selfish though, no matter how hard I really wanted to be.

We were keeping the men from the woods out in the storage shed behind the garage.

Rain had them strung up by their arms above their heads with their feet barely touching the ground.

I didn’t have a whole lot of time because I knew he had the place wired directly to his magic some way and he’d be immediately alerted by my presence.

I had to act quickly before he showed up and tried to stop me.

The men were all awake and I felt their eyes on me from the moment I entered the shed. I didn’t like having them watch me like that. I didn’t want to have second thoughts or question if I was maybe doing the wrong thing here.

I stepped up to the first one and slit his throat without saying anything to him or giving him a chance to speak.

I let him bleed out as I moved onto the next one.

They knew what was coming now and this one had something to say before he lost the ability to for forever.

“All this for the tattooed freak,” he ground out in a raspy voice. “She’s a plague, you know. She was the worst thing that ever happened to the forest witches and the reason they’re all dead. If you keep her she’s going to be the reason all of you die too.”
