Page 12 of A Forest Witch

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I hoped so.

Though, deep down, I knew I was stupid for feeling that way. Those people had hurt me so badly and they’d left me tied up to a tree, completely naked, and bleeding to death.

So why did I still care?

Why when that Rain man had questioned me didn’t I open my mouth and just answer him?

Did I want to go back there?

No, no I did not.

I did not care that I’d never been anywhere else and I had nowhere really to go now. If I had to I could live in the woods somewhere else and I’d survive just fine. If anything, I’d be happy to finally be all on my own.

Being on my own actually sounded quite nice to me. I could make my own home and grow my own food and put all of my teachings to good use. I bet I would flourish all on my own.

I started to get excited at the thought of running off into the woods and finding a happy place to call my own and live out the rest of my days peacefully.

It sounded like a dream to me and that helped to immediately kill my happy vibe. I had learned from a young age that dreams might exist in this world but they didn’t come true for people like me.

My life would never be my own and I had accepted that a very long time ago. And then somewhere along the way I had become my communities public whipping horse.

They had abused me long enough and why had it been allowed? Because I had strange markings on my skin that no-one actually told me where they’d come from or what they actually meant?

Fuck that.

My life had to be worth more than that, I was sure of it. All life was worth more than that. Otherwise it seemed kind of pointless.

No matter how hard or how often I tried to do the correct thing I knew that was kind of pointless too.

Always too curious for my own damn good. I couldn’t stay here in this bed, not when I knew there was clearly an entire house for me to explore.

I also knew it was very wrong but I was going to do it anyway. I just hoped that Rain fellow didn’t get mad and immediately kick me out. I was starving, I wanted him to feed me before he sent me packing.

I wondered what kind of food they ate here and if it was anything like what we’d grown in the dirt in the forest before it had started to die.

I swung the sheet and blanket off my body and paused when I finally caught sight of myself. My body had been cleaned. My wounds had been healed and I couldn’t even tell I’d been injured in the first place. And I was wearing clothes I had never seen before.

A tank top and a matching pair of shorts that were a lovely shade of moss. I pinched the fabric and pulled it away from my stomach. It was the softest thing I had ever felt in my entire life and it was covering my skin.

I didn’t know who these people were but I was very impressed with the lengths they went to to make a stranger feel so comfortable.

I had been warned that all other covens were dangerous.

I was fairly certain that every thing they’d taught me had been a lie and perhaps they’d been the real danger all along.

Maybe I shouldn’t believe anything I’d been taught.

These strangers had shown me more kindness than my own community ever had and I haven’t even officially met these people yet.

I just assumed they were the strange men from the woods that I had initially thought to have been a dream.

Either my body had worked extra hard this week while I’d been sleeping or someone had done some extra work on my body to heal me. I was betting it was a good mixture of both.

I really owed these strange people for their kindness. And I did not like owing people anything. In my life the cost was always too high and no-one ever did anything out of the goodness of their hearts.

I wished the world worked like that.

I climbed out of bed and immediately collapsed against the side of it as my legs gave out beneath me. Hopefully they’d feed me before they tossed me out on my ass too because I was starving and if they weren’t lying then I’d been here for a whole week and healing had really taken it all out of me.
