Page 7 of The Stalker

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“Three months.”

Her eyes almost bulge out of their sockets. “Three months? Are you crazy?”

My shoulder lifts. “Possibly.”

“Oh God. Wait a minute. I’ve been feeling eyes on me. I thought I was being paranoid. Was that you?”


Katherine paces and rests a palm on her chest. “And you’re actually a security guard?”

“That part is true.”

“Why did they hire you?”

“My sunny personality.”

This stops her in her tracks, and she shakes her head. “What if I tell you to leave me alone?”

“Then, I’ll do that. You won’t see me, you won’t hear from me. But it doesn’t mean I won’t keep watching you from afar.”

“What if I tell you to stop obsessing with me?”

“You might as well tell me to tear my left eye out.”

Her eyebrows scrunch. “Why?”

“Because it’s impossible, Katherine. I have no control over my feelings. Every single part of me belongs to you. Do with that what you will.”

With a voice so low that I strain to hear, she says, “My friends call me Kate.”

“I am not your friend.”

Her eyes widen at the admission, lips pressing into a grimace. “Then what are you to me? A stalker?”

“Your future husband. Well, at least that’s what I hope I’d be.”

Silence hangs heavy between us. The only thing I can hear is the pounding in my chest. I’m mentally preparing myself for Katherine to hate me. I deserve it. No normal, sane man will do what I’ve done. And if she decides to call the cops on me, I won’t deny anything.

At least, she knows it’s me.

I don’t know how long we stand there in semi-darkness, nothing but patches of moonlight filtering from the floor-to-ceiling windows, casting us in shadows. But I don’t need the light to see her. I’ve already memorized every single inch of her face and body.

Katherine takes a tentative step toward me, and I will myself to stay rooted in the spot. Her chest shudders with each inhale, and she runs her hands along her arms.

If she’s gonna slap me, I will let her.

If she’s gonna do worse, I’ll do nothing but watch.


She does neither.

Instead, when she’s only two steps away from me, she launches herself into my arms. My brain hasn’t caught up with what’s happening yet, but my arms instinctively go around her frame, pulling her up to me.

Our faces are inches away from each other, and if I thought she was perfect while watching from a distance, there are no words to describe how beautiful she is up close.

In this angle, her brown eyes look golden and … hooded.

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