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He handed me a cocktail, and I took a long sip – something sweet, a little fruity, with a touch of bitterness to it.

"Oh, that’s amazing," I gushed to him.

"How’s your birthday been going so far?" he asked, leaning back in his seat and meeting my gaze with a grin on his face. I parted my lips, then lowered my gaze, able to feel my cheeks burning beneath the intensity of his stare even as I sat there right in front of him.

"It’s been really nice," I replied, trying to tap in to some kind of flirtatious energy. "I guess...I guess there are a few ways it could be even better, though."

"Oh, yeah?" he remarked. "And what might they be exactly?"

I bit my lip. God, was I really going to come out and say this?

But, before I could so much as whisper it out loud, he leaned in a little closer. I could smell his aftershave, something masculine and woody, with a touch of amber in there. I wanted to press my face into his neck and inhale it properly, but I managed to hold myself back. For now, at least.

"Because I’m pretty sure I can think of a few ways I could make it more interesting for you," he murmured. His lips were just a couple of inches from my ear, and I could feel the warmth of his breath against my skin.

"Oh, yeah?" I replied. I knew exactly where his mind was at right now, but I needed him to take the lead – I needed him to show me how much he wanted this, how much he needed me. All it would have taken was a simple turn of my head for our lips to come together, but I managed to hold back, even though that’s all I was craving right now.

"Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes," he told me. And, just like that, he got to his feet, and headed off towards the large, unisex bathroom – it was empty, somehow, and he flashed a smile over his shoulder at me as I stared after him. No way – no way was this really happening...

But that tingling in my system had gotten even more intense, and I knew I couldn’t deny myself what my body wanted right now. No matter how much I might try to talk myself out of it, might try to convince myself that this was reckless and crazy and I should have known better, the feel of his breath on my skin was enough to hypnotize me into giving him just what he wanted.

I barely managed to wait the whole five minutes before I went after him. My legs were trembling as I pushed open the door to the bathroom, and I felt like everyone in the club was staring at me, well-aware of what I was about to do, but I didn’t care.

It struck me, as I pushed open the door, that I didn’t even know this guy’s name. But, somehow, that just made it all the more exciting to me. We didn’t need to know anything about each other apart from the fact that we wanted each other – how could anything else matter any more than that?

Stepping into the bathroom, I pushed the door shut behind me – and he was on me the moment we were alone together. He pushed me back against the door, hands sliding to my waist as he grabbed me, his fingers sinking into my skin. I moaned against his mouth, half-shock, half-desire.

"I’ve wanted you from the second I saw you walk into this club," he murmured to me, as he slid his hand up my skirt, cupping his fingers around my panties. I arched my back into him, silently pleading for more, telling him how much I wanted this – how much I wanted him. I would have given anything to feel him inside of me, my pussy aching for him already.

He kissed me again, grinning against my mouth, and then hitched me off the ground, pressing me against the door behind me; I could feel the hardness of his cock through his pants already, and it made my head spin with a helpless desire I wasn’t sure I had ever felt before. This, this was what my friends had been talking about when they had told me about the men they had been with, that feeling of being able to give themselves over completely to the passion, the need, the want that made everything else just fall away.

"You want me to fuck you?" he asked me, the bluntness of his words sending another wave of want through my body. I nodded.

"I want to hear you say it, baby," he told me, biting on my bottom lip and tugging it slightly. "I need to hear you say that you want this cock inside your perfect pussy."

"I...I want it," I managed to blurt out finally, though the words seemed to catch in my throat as I spoke. I couldn’t think straight. It wasn’t the alcohol, no – I'd hardly had anything to drink tonight. It was listening to the way he spoke to me, as though he wanted nothing more on this planet than to make me come for him.

"Good girl," he murmured, and I hooked my ankles behind his back, still pinned to the door of the bathroom. Outside, I could hear the pulsing music of the club, the conversations overlapping – all it would have taken was one wrong move, and we would have been exposed. And yet, I couldn’t even think about that – I didn’t even care. No, all I cared about right now was feeling him inside of me, a craving that seemed to rise from some place deep down within me.

He unzipped his pants, and I glanced down to take a look at him – I caught only a glimpse of his cock, thick and hard, before he guided it between my legs. He ripped my panties off, tossing them to the floor, and I gasped in shock – I had never had a man treat me like this before, so rough, but at the same time, so full of want.

"You ready, babygirl?" he asked me, his mouth just an inch from mine again. I nodded.

"Good," he murmured. And, as he planted his lips against me again, he pushed himself into me for the first time.

Oh, God, that feeling – that feeling was more than I could ever have imagined. I grasped on to his shoulders for dear life, the head of that snake tattoo winking at me from beneath his shirt. The pressure of him as he entered me, thrusting himself up to the hilt and holding himself there, made my eyes flutter shut, the sensation almost too much for my body to take.

"How does it feel?" he murmured, his tongue teasing against my bottom lip.

"It feels so fucking good," I breathed, the profanity spilling from me without a second thought.

He grinned against my mouth as he began to move inside of me, clearly enjoying my reactions to the way that he made me feel. I pressed my head into his shoulder, just trying to wrap my head around the intensity of the way this made me feel – it was unlike anything I had ever experienced before, in my whole life, but in the best way possible. I craved it. Needed it. Needed more of him, needed as much of him as I could get – like I was greedy for the way he made me feel, the attention he lavished on my body.

He moved in a little closer to me, so that he was grinding up against my clit with every thrust, not an inch of space left between our bodies. I could feel the pressure starting to build to the point of no return, and I knew it wasn’t going to take much longer for me to go over the edge.

I was panting hard now, my breath tearing out of my lungs. I couldn’t hold it back, didn’t want to – I could feel it arching and building inside of me, the orgasm rising so fast I could hardly control it. I couldn’t believe I was doing this, the intensity of this moment far from lost on me – and, even as he thrust deep into me, filling me up to the very hilt with every movement, I knew that I would never have a chance to experience anything like this again.

No, this wasn’t the kind of thing you got another shot at. This kind of lust, this kind of want, this man who was so willing to break all the rules just to have me. He didn’t care who had seen us sneaking off into the bathroom together, he wanted me anyway, and he wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of that. Knowing that, feeling that, feeling his breath on my skin and his hands on my thighs and his cock moving, pushing deeper and deeper into me, it was that which finally took me over the edge and into the release I was craving so badly.
