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“No. Hey. No.” He lifts my chin with his finger, and I meet his tired eyes as I sniffle. “No. I fucked up. Landon fucked up,” he rasps. “None of this was your fault.”

I blink back tears as he searches my face. He wipes a tear away with his finger, and I close my eyes at the touch.

“You’re cold, baby,” he murmurs. “Let’s get you inside.”

I nod in agreement.

He keeps his arm wrapped around my shoulders as he guides me back into the house. My hands are trembling so hard from the cold that he takes my key and unlocks the door himself, letting us inside.

“That was smart of you,” he whispers. “To lock the door for Devyn.”

Of course, River was right outside, but his attention was elsewhere.

And I’m not going to risk losing another friend.

As we enter, I take his hand and he interlaces our fingers without hesitation.

Devyn sleeps soundly on the mattress, and I watch her fondly for a moment. “She doesn’t need to stay here,” I murmur. “She should be back with Ben.”

River nods. “But only if you have someone else to stay here with you.”

I can think of three different Alphas that would most likely welcome that invitation.

I lead River down the hallway, and my stomach flutters as we enter my bedroom. I flick on the light switch and we stop at the foot of the bed.

We stare at the nest he made for me.

“Do you like it?” he asks after a moment, his voice low.

I turn to him. His pupils are wide and his scent fills the air, but there’s a hint of insecurity behind his expression.

“River,” I murmur. “It’s perfect. Do you understand what you’ve done? What this means?”

He takes a step forward until I have to crane my neck up to look at him. “I know exactly what it means,” he says. “I’ve never built a nest for anyone before. And I don’t plan to for anyone else, ever.”

I stand on my tiptoes to kiss him.

It’s chaste and gentle, the exact opposite of what I would have done with him a month ago. I’m hesitant; unsure if he will even respond.

My body jolts awake the moment our lips touch.

I’m desperate, my womb aching and my cunt wet for him, but I’m also scared.

I’m not sure how far I can go.

He senses it immediately, even as he returns the kiss. We both break away, breathing deeply, and he rests his forehead against mine.

“You taste exquisite,” he breathes. “Fuck, I missed that taste. That sweetness.” His hands grip my waist, hard enough to bruise.

I startle, and he releases me immediately, taking a step back.

“Fuck,” he hisses, running a hand through his hair, his face twisted in agony. “Are you okay? What do you need, baby? Tell me. I’ll give you fucking anything you want right now. I can step away, if you need me to, and I’ll stay outside.”

He’s so scared of messing this up, of ruining me more than that month in Slatten already has.

But slick slowly drips down my thighs, the reminder that my Heat is imminent.

I look at the man in front of me, the strong, capable, brilliant Alpha that’s terrified of hurting me.
