Page 78 of Wild Prince

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“Or, simply to some place bigger, with more … bathrooms. I’d be in favor of it.”

He’s already added a second full bathroom and a nursery to our little cabin on Mirror Lake. Florence has outgrown the nursery, but I am not interested in moving back to the capital.

“I love you so much for saying that. But I’m happy where we are.”

It’s true. Florence has her schoolmates here. Also, she spends every other night in a tent outside with her father. Sometimes, I join them, and we stargaze for hours or cook our supper over the fire. I love our simple life. I don’t believe that will be tolerated on the palace grounds.

“Or we could just expand the nursery,” I say. “It would give you something to do before you get me pregnant again.”

Sigurd laughs. “That’s a project. But I could do it.”

“I can help.”

“My queen is a delicate flower. She won’t be swinging any hammers.”

His beard twitches because he knows I won’t listen. He knows I’ll pick up hammers, drills, and screwdrivers, determined to learn new skills even if I injure myself.

I’ll build something, hurt myself, and he’ll fix me and show me how to do it correctly. And then we’ll start all over again. Eventually, we make it work because love is the undercurrent of all of it.

“I love you, Sigurd.”

“I love you too, my girl.”

The tiniest princess hears this and thinks her father is talking to her. Her little arms tighten around his neck. “I love you too, Daddy.”

I have not only a daughter and a husband but more sisters and brothers than I ever thought I would.

And I love us all so much I could burst.


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