Page 20 of Wild Prince

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My life ever since has been hunting, fishing, archery, rock climbing, mountaineering, and survival. Callum and I both enlisted in the royal infantry, quickly working our way up to Ranger status, earning several medals before being discharged with full honors.

Shortly after we returned from the military, Mr. Black fell ill and was forced to retire. Callum moved into the gamekeeper’s cottage to care for his father until he died.

I know what Mr. Black would say if he were here right now. “What are you doing out on the lake when you have a lady at home to warm your bed?”

But Stasi is not mine to have. And she’s not in my home. It’s now the palace’s Air-fucking-B&B.

And here I am with enough fish in my bucket to feed the two of us for a week, three meals a day.

I wonder what Stasi is up to at the moment.

Where I’m sitting on the lake is about a ten-minute paddle from the cabin. In fact, I can probably find out what she’s up to if I get out my binoculars.

Creepy? Yes. But justified. She needs someone to look out for her.

And what I see through the lenses of my binoculars is the last thing I expected to see: Stasi, naked, spread eagle on the dock.

I choke on my saliva at the sight of her round breasts, bare under the late morning sun. Is she ill? Dead? Completely dotty? It’s barely 21 degrees Celsius outside!

Jumping to my feet, I nearly capsize the boat in the same way that Stasi did yesterday. My sea legs recover, and I get a grip on myself. I bring the binoculars back to my eyes, and she comes into view again: she sits upright, idly drinking from a can and reading a book, her pink lips parted. I see now that she’s not entirely naked but wearing a small triangle of blue fabric that barely covers her undercarriage.

My cock jerks. My mouth waters. My heart races. At the same time, I’m irrationally upset. What if someone sees her? No, it’s not likely, but what if she’s placed another grocery order, and some sniveling teenage delivery boy comes by? She won’t hear the doorbell out on the dock, and what if that delivery boy wanders into the backyard and gets a surprise? My gods, it’s straight out of a porn movie.

I shouldn’t worry about it, but she’s so soft and vulnerable, with every dip and curve exposed to the elements or peeping Toms.

Peeping Toms like you?

This is different. This is different because she’s mine.

She’s mine. She’s mine, she’s mine, she’s mine.

Gods, she can’t be mine. But fuck it all…she simply has to be.

I need help.

Stasi suddenly turns to pick up her phone. She seems excited to talk to the person on the other end.

From my limited ability to lip-read, she’s talking to someone she knows. Smiling, laughing, letting her hair down, and running her fingers through her soft red locks. She brings her knees up and hugs them as she talks. Freaking adorable.

“You went where? Oh…how was it? Cool. Who did you see? Oh wow, did you get a selfie with any of them? Well, no, he wouldn’t be there; he abdicated, didn’t he?”

Shit. She’s talking to someone about the royal family. I hold my breath and wait for her to spill the beans.

I can hear her laughing all the way across the lake.

“Oh really? Just the princess? Is she just as pretty in person? Nice…who, me? I’m on the dock naked right now…Yes, I really am! Jealous? Yeah… It’s hot down here… I’m about to take a dip…call me later, okay?”

I find myself seething when she hangs up, a million questions roiling through my head. Was that a boyfriend? A suitor? I’m going to be sick. Any boyfriend who comments on my sister’s looks to a girlfriend isn’t worth Stasi’s attention.

And she’s moving. Stasi is on her hands and knees now. Good gods, what is she doing?

I soon figure it out. She’s stretching. The woman is going to kill me.

My body aches as I watch her arch her back and look up at the sky, her massive tits swinging pendulously beneath her. Then, she tucks her pretty little toes, straightens her legs, and her round rump goes skyward. This is a yoga thing.

A groan escapes from deep in my chest.

I’ve never seen anyone like her. She’s so free with herself. Once Stasi is back on her bottom with legs crisscrossed beneath her, she runs her hands over those beautiful tits, smiling to herself.

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