Page 37 of Forgotten Prince

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A pause follows. “Why does this sound like you’re about to say goodbye?”

“Where in the world did you get that idea?”

“I don’t know, Jakob. I’m having such a wonderful time with you it feels too good. Like I’m too happy and I’m just waiting for something bad to happen to bring me back down to earth.”

I pause. “Do you want me to leave?”

“No. Unless you want to leave.”

“I don’t.”

Finally, I hear the smile return to her voice. “Good. I’m glad I’m entertaining enough. If there’s anything you need…”

And I’ve had enough.

Loosening the slack of the blanket, I roll over so that I’m on top of her, not squashing her but caging her in with my arms and legs. “Jo, I’m only going to say this once, so listen to me.”

“Okay,” she breathes.

“I love it here. I love spending time with you. You do not have to provide entertainment. You’re my best friend, and I love you. We could sit and stare at the fire, the stars—hell, we could stare at the wall until we both starve to death, and I’d die happy.”

She laughs. “Well, that sounds terrible. I wouldn’t let you starve.”

“Jo. You’re not hearing what I am saying. I’m not a guest. I’m not a fling. I’m not a best friend with benefits. I’m not here for any of the things you think I’m here for. I’m here for you. I like simply being with you. Do I like shopping and hiking and stargazing with you? Absolutely. I love it. Do I like your cooking? It’s fucking fantastic, and I think I already gained five pounds. But do I need you to do any of that to keep me around? No. No I do not. I want to be here because I like you. Because I love you. You don’t need to do anything to keep me here. I’m here until you kick me out.”

She sucks in a sharp breath. “Oh, Jakob, I won’t ever kick you out. I love having you here. And…and I love you too.”

“Good. Glad we cleared that up.”

She laughs, and I press a firm kiss to her lips that turns heated as our tongues tangle together in a seductive dance. She licks into my mouth, softly moaning as I drag one hand under the hem of her sweater.

“I want to make love to you under the stars, Jo,” I murmur as I kiss along the ridges of her ribs.

Jo lets out a frustrated grunt. “Jakob, no.”

I pause my kisses along her ribs to make eye contact. “No? Oh…okay, we could…”

She grasps my face. “I don’t want you to make love to me. I want you to fuck me. Tell me you love me under the stars as many times as you want, Jakob. But make sure you’re fucking me.”

My heart might hammer itself right out of my chest.

I peel myself away from her long enough to tug off my sweater and undershirt while Jo removes her top and bra. She is spectacular in the moonlight.

“Jo, you are a goddess,” I tell her. With my knees planted on either side of her hips, I take full advantage of this position and massage my hands over her breasts, the soft, supple skin beckoning me to come closer.

She arches her back off the blankets in response to my touch. “Jakob,” she whispers, her brow furrowed. “That feels amazing.”

Josephine shivers against the cold. Quickly I stand up to shed my trousers, then turn back to find her bare to me, shivering as she lies on her back exposed to me and the night sky.

My moon goddess.

My Josephine.



Jakob is a lot to take in.

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