Page 23 of Forgotten Prince

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At the end of my shift, I leave work with a bounce in my step, ready to tell Jakob the good news.

Or should I simply let him wonder? Shall I let him think I’m rebellious and rash by skipping work tomorrow altogether?

“What in the world has you smiling like that today?” I glance up to see my friend Sabine arranging festive autumnal flowers and greens in the planter outside the door of her pub. “Bet I can guess.”

I pause my walk home to chat with my friend. “I’m taking a week off of work,” I tell her.

Her grin widens. “Oh? You and that handsome devil going to travel to the continent? Fall in love in Paris?” Sabine sighs dreamily.

“Maybe,” I say. “But mostly I think we’re going to hide out.”

She cocks her head, and I realize my choice of words.

“Jakob and I have a lot of catching up to do.”

I haven’t explained to her that Jakob and I used to be childhood friends, so this statement, too, puzzles Sabine.

However, I’m feeling the need to say less instead of more. Maybe it’s because I feel protective of Jakob, under the circumstances.

“Enjoy your time off, love,” she says with a wave. “And if he has any brothers, please send one my way!”

“Will do!” I say with a laugh, knowing very well the only brothers Jakob ever had were fosters—and they were not kind to him.

I get lost in thought the rest of the way home, my mind stuck on the cruelty done to Jakob by some of the other children he lived with.

How cold his life has been.

For as long as we’re together, I’m going to plant warm, happy memories.

And I’m going to start tonight.



“Lean back, sweetheart.”

One of the wonderful things about having a mate who works during the day is being able to do something nice for her when she returns home.

Jo and I kiss like teenagers on the sofa while dinner simmers on the stove. Her skirt is hiked all the way up to her hips. She’s already tugged off my shirt, and I’ve done the same to hers. My jeans are unbuttoned, allowing the smallest crumb of relief to my erection.

Jo leans back against the sofa pillows, and I sweep one arm around her hips, tugging her forward.

My good girl does as I say, granting me access to the damp heat between her thighs as I slide my hand down the front of her knickers.

I cup her pussy, and we both let out a shuddering gasp. “You’re so wet for me, Josephine. I can already feel it.”

She responds with a quiet moan, her arms circling around me, drawing me deeper and deeper into her spell.

My fingers find their way between her warm, wet folds. It would be so easy. I could tug her knickers off, free my straining cock, and slide into her. She’d say yes. I know she would.

But my Jo’s not ready for that yet.

Her sweetness coats my fingers as I slowly, carefully explore her pussy. The anticipation and excitement on her face, her swollen lips, her blown pupils — Josephine is too beautiful for words.

I slip my middle finger into her tight entrance, gauging her reactions carefully. Her muscles tighten, and not just her inner walls. Jo’s body tenses up, and I pause my movements.

“Baby, you okay?”

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