Page 9 of Exsanguination

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“Yeah, yeah. I missed you too, you mushy idiot.” With the speed of someone used to stripping several times a day, she pulls off her clothes and stuffs them into the bag before shifting. I zip up the bag while admiring Lexi.

In her humanoid form, she is a gorgeously tan woman with an athletic build and bright sapphire eyes. Her badass vibe is completed with her mostly black wardrobe, subtle tattoos, and numerous piercings.

In her dire wolf form though? She is fucking stunning. Her black fur has the perfect amount of shine and I know from experience that it’s velvety soft to the touch. Her eyes are the same color in both forms, but as the wolf, they stare right through you and straight into the depths of your soul.

“I guess I will meet you back at my place then?” She gives out a short aroo which I conclude must mean yes before hurdling over the bushes on the edge of the woods and heading north.

I pull out Bessy and quickly hop on, but there is no way I will beat Lexi there. Nothing beats a dire wolf in a race.

Sometimes I think she has secret portals that she jumps through to make the trip as fast as she does.

Although, if she did, I would have gotten that info out of her during one of our drunken sleepovers. If I weren’t hoping to end the night in a sexy stranger’s bed tonight, I might have suggested a girl’s night. But those tend to happen after broken-hearted breakups. And my heart is nowhere near broken.

Tonight, my heart is far from broken.

No, this baby is on fire with anticipation.

Something is coming. I can feel it.

I just don’t know what it is yet.

A Brief Lapse in Sexual Judgement


"So all black. No pop of color at all?" I try really hard not to be whiny. I love black, but I truly hate being told what to wear.

Or what to do.

Or how to act.

I have a problem with rules, ok?

"Oh my Gods, Ginger you will be fine. It's a gothball! You wear sexy black clothes and a pretty masquerade mask, and in exchange, you get fancy appetizers, free alcohol, and loads of sexy eye candy." She glances at my still naked form pouting into the closet. "Unless you finally decided to jump ship and take me up on that offer. You know I can help you break that dry streak and you won't even have to follow a dress code. Shit, I'll even feed you some grade-A delivery pizza afterward."

When I look at Lexi, she's biting her lip and rubbing her nipples in the most dramatic way and I lose it.

I'm talking full-on snorting laughter. So super sexy.

"Sorry Lex, you seem to be missing some specific equipment that I rather enjoy." It's the same playful banter we enjoyed all throughout our teens when Lexi came out of the closet.

I love that even though we are supposedly adults now at—geez how old are we turning this year? Twenty-five, I think? Anyways, at twenty-four years young we still acted like ridiculous teens. Although much more naked and far more sexually frustrated. For the most part.

A thought slaps me from out of nowhere, sobering me and filling me with nerves. I was stupid. I nearly lost her, and for what? A piece of shit backstabbing boyfriend.

"Lexi, I just want to…"

She waves her hand around and stops my words. Emotional stuff has never been her favorite discussion topic.

"It doesn't matter. It was stupid and it's over. Now, you get to make it up to me by getting into something sexy—or getting on top of me, I'm fine with either really—I just want to have a good time tonight and get laid." Lexi punctuates her statement by zipping up the sides of her booties and slapping on some black lipstick.

Eyeing her up and down, I have to admit. If I were into women, Lexi would tick all the boxes. Not many women could rock that deep plunging elegant dress with rocker booties and a punk pixie haircut. She makes it all work together in the best way possible. And suddenly I find myself rocking a lady boner.

Lexi sniffs the air and her eyes snap to me with a predatory gleam in them. Never one to back down, or to be thought of as prey, I keep eye contact.

I know where my thoughts went. I don't know how fully they encompass how I actually feel, but... I do know that Lexi won't back down now that she caught the scent of my arousal. And spotted me checking her out. Quite thoroughly.

Her moves are smooth as she prowls towards me. Her eyes keep contact as she stops in front of me. My naked body brushes against the soft fabric of her dress as Lexi sniffs again. Deeply.
