Page 34 of Daddy's Direction

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Nyla raised her eyebrows, but said nothing.

"No," I repeated, much more calmly. "That's not what I meant. I meant… I have feelings for him, okay? And I know that’s not part of the deal, and it’s probably just a reaction to having someone in my life acting like they care about me again, because it’s been a while since I had that, at least with a guy. So, I know it’s not real and it can’t go anywhere, and I don’t even want it to.”

Nyla raised her eyebrows at my admission, but said nothing.

“I'm just gonna follow all the rules and keep things surface level. We only text twice a day during the week when I have my kids, anyway, and if I'm good, then there's nothing for us to talk about on the weekend and I don't need to see him."

"Just be good?" Nyla repeated dumbly. "That's your plan?"

"It's not that hard," I retorted. "It's only a few rules.” Since I'd dipped out on him tonight, he hadn't had the opportunity to add more. "It will be easy," I said, more to convince myself than Nyla, which was good because Nyla wasn't buying it.

"Oh honey," she scoffed. "Famous last words."


"Nyla," I growled, the next morning, pressing the phone tightly against my ear. "Tell me what she said, dammit. Is she okay?"

I was one second away from driving to Jasmine's house and knocking her door down, demanding an explanation and begging for forgiveness on my knees, if need be, and Nyla was the only possible voice of reason to keep me from doing so.

"She didn't say much, Bain. She's okay, or she will be. Just give her space and you'll probably hear from her before the day is over."

"But what happened?" I growled. "Did I do something?"

"Well, apparently you slept with her shortly after her husband died," she said with a laugh. "That was an interesting revelation. Have to say, I didn't see it coming. And I'm kind of surprised it never came up. Especially when we were discussing who to pair her with."

Guilt stabbed my heart but I pushed it away. I'd done nothing wrong during that interaction. "It was no one's business. And I didn't tell you then because it wasn't relevant. If you remember correctly, it wasn't like I offered myself up to be her Daddy. You picked me. For a host of reasons that are still true. "

"Yeah. You're right. I picked the best man for the job. And everything Jasmine said last night further confirms that."

"What? What did she say?" Nyla was taunting me and I was not in the mood.

"Just give her time and space, Bain. As her Daddy, that's truly the best thing you can do for her right now. "

"Okay, but what did she say?"

"Time and space, Bain." Nyla repeated with a tinkling laugh.

"Goddammit, Nyla." I pounded the wall of my apartment. "Tell me!"

She had already hung up.

Chapter Nine


Famous last words. Nyla's words haunted me all week, even as I continued to prove her wrong. The gods of childcare, cleanliness, focus, and well-restedness were smiling on me. All week had gone smooth as butter. I woke up to my alarm, the kids got off to school on time, I got my tasks done quickly and easily, got in bed by ten-thirty and slept like a dream, only to wake up and do it all over again the next day.

Each morning Bain would text, questioning me about bedtimes and alarms and such, and each day I would respond normally and respectfully, all the while gleefully snickering at how well my plan was working.

Every night before bed I'd text him and let him know how the day went. I could almost feel his disappointment each time I reported another perfect day.

But as they say, all good things must come to an end, and my streak of perfection was no exception.

It happened about a week and a half after that fateful night at the club. Just like it had before, one small thing spiraled into many, and before I knew it my entire day had gone to hell in a handbasket.

It started with an alarm not going off, and ended in a shitshow of epic proportions.

I'd barely gotten the kids to school and Marky dropped off at Gia's when she called me in a panic.

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