Page 32 of Daddy's Direction

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Shaking my head, I put my foot down. "No. You need to calm down first. I need to make sure you're okay. That was an intense session in more ways than one. You'll likely experience drop, and I don't want you to be alone when that happens," I explained, giving the logical reasons and ignoring the emotional ones, even though they were screaming the loudest in my brain.

I needed to be close to her. I wanted to wipe every tear, and hear about what caused them. I wanted to call her a good girl and tell her Daddy was proud of her. Most of all, I wanted to kiss her soft lips, take her home, and make her mine.

She just wanted to go home. It was breaking my heart.

"Take. Me. Home." She repeated her request through gritted teeth, making each word its own sentence.

"I can't. Not yet."

She stared at me with wide eyes, her mouth dropping open, and I could see that she was on the verge of tears again, even if I didn't understand why.

"Jasmine," I began, not even sure what I was going to say, or how to help.

"Red!" The word tore from her lips in a scream that echoed off the walls. "Red! Take me home!"

"Okay, okay." I rushed to console her, my heart pounding in my chest. What was going on? Had I pushed her too far? Had the crop been too much? Should I not have insisted on the club? I could see from looking at her that I would not be getting the answers to any of those questions tonight. "Okay. I'll find your clothes."

"Forget it. I don't need them. I have a blanket," she insisted. Wrapping it around her shoulders, she pushed the fabric together and gripped it with a fist. She was at the door, pulling it open before I could even think of coming up with an argument. There was nothing I could do now but follow her.

As Jasmine raced through the club wearing the blanket like a cloak, with me following behind her at a sprint, several people tried to stop us and make sure everything was okay. First Nyla, then Theo and Archer. Jasmine just ignored them, and all I could do was shrug my shoulders as I chased after her.

When we reached my car and I unlocked it, she climbed in and pulled the door closed, flipping the lock before I could even think about buckling her in like I preferred to.

Scowling, I went around to the driver's side and let myself in, buckling my own seatbelt and starting the car before glancing over to see that she was indeed buckled in. I was spoiling for a fight and desperate for answers. My whole body was screaming at me not to let her go. But I could see that doing so would not go over well, and I didn't want to make whatever this was worse than it already was.

Still, whether she realized it or not, she really shouldn't be alone. Before I started the car, I sent off a brief text to Nyla explaining what had happened and asking her to go to Jasmine's after I left. Jasmine could safeword all she wanted, but Daddy wasn't going to let her not be taken care of after what had obviously been a very rough session emotionally, if not physically. Daddies took care of their little girls, whether they wanted to be taken care of or not.

Chapter Eight


The pounding on my front door started less than five minutes after I got home, while I was still in the bathroom washing my face and trying to catch my breath. I tried to ignore it, hoping Bain would take the hint and go, but the second round of incessant, demanding knocking started right after the first.

Turning off the water, I stomped to the front door, staring at it without opening it. "Go home, Bain. I'm fine. Just…Go home."

The second I started to speak, a wave of fresh tears fell down my face and my words came out in choked sobs. I had exactly zero chance of convincing anyone I was okay, least of all Bain.

Still, I persisted. He could knock all he wanted. I wasn't answering. "Please, Bain, just…go home!"

Turning away from the door, I leaned my back against it and slid down until my butt made contact with the worn carpet. Resting my head on my knees, I shuddered out a defeated breath. I just needed space from him. I wanted to be alone. Why couldn't he just go?

"Go away, Bain!" I cried when the pounding started for a third time.

"It's not Bain! It's Nyla, and if you think I'm leaving you alone right now, you've got another thing coming!"

Nyla? What was she doing here? Was Bain with her, using her to trick me into opening the door? Pushing my weakened, defeated, exhausted body to my feet, I turned and looked through the peephole to see Nyla standing on my doorstep with her arms crossed over her chest, glaring up at the peephole. I looked right and left and saw only her. If Bain was with her, he was out of my line of vision.

Before I looked away, she started to knock again, louder and more incessantly than the first three times. "I'm not going anywhere!" she hollered through the door. "I know you're there, and so help me, Jasmine, I'll stay here knocking all night if I have to. Until you either open the door or one of your neighbors calls the cops. Whichever comes first!"

I sighed, knowing she wasn't lying. She was stubborn enough to do exactly that, even though her hand had to already be hurting from the pounding she was doing.

Chewing on my lip, I considered my options. The pounding was giving me a headache, probably disturbing my neighbors, and making it impossible to think. On one hand, I didn't want to be alone. On the other, I didn't want to talk. I didn't think I could string two words together that would make sense, and I couldn't seem to open my mouth without bursting into tears.

"Jasmine. Open up! It's starting to rain! I'm gonna catch pneumonia and it's gonna be all your fault!"

Guilt settled in and I yanked the door open to find Nyla standing there with a shit-eating grin on her face. The sky was clear.

"I knew that would work," she said with a triumphant grin, pushing past me.

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