Page 12 of Daddy's Direction

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That was the sweetest thing he’d said to me since this all started. Warmth and hope filled my heart, and I relaxed for the first time all night. Maybe it wasn’t all just a fun game to him. Maybe he actually did care.

He cares because you’re paying him to care, Jazz. Don’t be stupid.

I tried to remind myself this was just a paycheck for him, not an easy feat since the man was rolling in dough. Staring at his handsome face and knowing eyes, I realized it was going to be even harder than I’d imagined to stay detached.

“Come on.” He sat down on the couch and patted his lap. “Let’s get you good and spanked. It’s getting late and we still have some chatting to do.”

I nibbled the side of my lip as I approached, unsure how I was actually managing to make my feet move. As soon as I was close enough, Bain took my hand and guided me over his lap. I was acutely aware of my short skirt rising to almost the middle of my butt, but I tried to push the image out of my head until I felt his warm hand rest on top of my barely-there clothing.

“Since this is your first punishment, I will start over your skirt, but before the night is out you will be feeling the full sting of my hand on your bare bottom.”

I whimpered and crossed my ankles, imagining what he would be able to see from this position when he bared me. Thankfully, even with Henry gone and no prospects in sight, I was obsessive about keeping myself nicely groomed or this would be even more embarrassing than it was—and it was already pretty fucking embarrassing.

“Relax, Jazz. If you tense your muscles like that it hurts more and could cause bruising.”

I laughed. “Relax? I’m about to get spanked over a man’s lap who I barely know for reasons I’m not wholly sure of.”

“We may not be besties, Jazz, but don’t act like we’ve just met.” He let the innuendo dangle in the air for a moment before continuing. “Trust me, you will absolutely be wholly aware of why you are getting spanked in a second, because you’re going to ask me to do it, remember?”

“Ugh.” I groaned and covered my face. “This really is ridiculous.”

“You’ll get used to it. Now tell Daddy why you are over his knee about to get your naughty butt spanked.”

“I just told you I wasn’t sure!” I screeched. My plethora of conflicting emotions were becoming too much to contain, and I was going to explode soon if he didn’t get started. To my horrified confusion, I wanted this just as much as I didn’t.

As if he had heard my unspoken plea, his hand crashed down on my barely-covered ass twice. I was thankful for that, until he scolded me, and I realized I’d done yet another thing wrong.

“You will not yell at me, Jasmine. That's part of being respectful, which will be in your rules. I will never raise my voice at you and I expect the same respect.”

“Yes, Sir.” Right then I truly did feel like a naughty girl, and the reality of the situation began to set in. Bain was, for all intents and purposes, my Daddy. What had I gotten myself into? “I hate this.”

My admission did not deter him. If anything, it seemed to egg him on.

“Well, darlin’,” he drawled with an accent he didn’t have, “you’re not supposed to like it. That's why it's a good deterrent for bad behavior. Now, either tell me why you need your butt spanked or ask nicely for help remembering why you are getting your butt spanked. My patience is running thin.” His voice dropped low and he gave my bottom a tight squeeze as he spoke.

I realized I wasn’t going to get anywhere by stalling any further.

Drawing a deep breath, I forced out the words I knew he was waiting for. My voice came out weak and high pitched. “Please can you tell me why I need a spanking?”

“Daddy. It should be ‘Please can you tell me why I need a spanking, Daddy?’”

Ugh. “Can it be Sir?” Calling him Daddy was so… I didn’t really know how I felt about it, actually. The idea of a person, especially this person, having that much control over me was terrifying, but also intriguing. I didn’t want to admit how relieved I felt just knowing I was no longer alone in my life, if even for a short time.

“It can be Sir any other time,” he answered, “but when you are in this position, I will only accept Daddy. It will help your brain cement the fact that you are not in charge and I am here to help you be a better version of yourself.”

His voice was different, somehow. More commanding than before, yet with a warmth that made me want to obey and do exactly what he was asking of me. What was wrong with me?

“Fine, can you please tell me why I need a spanking, Daddy?” I spit out the words as fast as I could before I choked on them. The one part of this Rent-A-Daddy arrangement that I hadn’t thought through was actually having to call someone Daddy.

“I’m spanking you to let you know that your attitude when you were showing me around was less than pleasant, and you have been borderline disrespectful.”

“I thought it was to help ease my mind.” I squirmed. “I wasn’t that bad.”

“‘That bad’ is a relative term. I’m the one who decides if it was bad enough to warrant a punishment. Under normal circumstances you would likely have only gotten the corner time, but as you pointed out, I’m also attempting to ease your fears about the future. Now, ask me to correct your behavior and we can really get down to business.”

He was rubbing my bottom gently over my skirt, and I could feel his fingertips graze the hem. It had been so long since I was touched in an intimate way, and even though I was thoroughly embarrassed, my body was reacting to him in a way I didn’t think was acceptable under the circumstances.

The fact that I was feeling aroused when I should be horrified and humiliated was making me physically ill with confusion. I needed him to get this done and over with and get him out of my space so I could decompress and think.
