Page 66 of Submission

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“Sav,” I say, warning in my tone. “Put me down. Right now. Please.”

Instead of fulfilling my request, he takes off, heading up the pebbled walk that leads back to the front door. “Nope.” He gives my ass a nice, hearty slap.

Making it jiggle.

As if being carried over his shoulder like a cavewoman isn’t humiliating enough. Though I do like the aesthetic of feeling featherlight and so easily pick-up-able.

My ponytail hangs down, brushing over my face. I wonder what my choices are here. Do I punch and kick? Only in the ring. Do I scream and yell? That’s not me.

So, I just hang there, perfectly politely, upside down, blood rushing to my head, and wait for us to reach the house. With his big, heavy, post-spank hand resting on the center of my ass for the rest of the journey.

We finally reach the front door, I think, judging by the low wooden patio he’s just stepped up onto. He bends at the knee, lowering my feet to the decking and releases me.

I stand facing the front door, blood draining from my face, waiting for him to open it for me.

“Princess,” he says, cranking the doorknob and pushing the door open.

“Thank you.” I step through the doorway, making my way through the foyer to the stairwell that leads to my bedroom. I hear him close and lock the door behind us and the echo of his shoes on the hall as he follows me. Almost to the bottom of the stairwell, I offer him a breezy farewell over my shoulder as I go. “Goodnight.”

He doesn’t answer. Which makes me turn on my heel and stare at him. Is that exactly what he wanted? He’s standing there, drinking me in with his sexy, dark, smoldering eyes.

“What?” I say, the protective wall of my arms going over my chest once more.

The carrying me like a baby, and then the impolite lack of response, of holding back the obligatory reply of some sort of replicated bidding of goodnight to me, have me wanting to cock a hip and lay some sass on him.

But the dark gaze from those hot-as-coal eyes, the way he’s devouring my body with them, like I’m wearing a nine hundred dollar set of French lingerie instead of this clearance rack sweatsuit, well?—

It has this virgin tongue-tied.

“I refuse to kiss you,” he says, taking two wide strides to close the gap between us, “because I may already be damaged goods. I’m not going to do that to you.”

And he walks by me, so close his arm brushes mine, and leaves me standing there, alone at the bottom of the stairs, wondering what just happened between us. And why it had to stop.

“Go to bed, princess,” he calls over his shoulder. “Now.”



I lie in bed alone, staring up at the ceiling. Lazily I slip my finger in my mouth, tasting the traces of her. I never should have touched her. I shouldn’t be lying here tasting the lingering juice of her pussy, faint but still there. It consumes me with lust. Fingering her never should have happened, but it did, and now I’m dragging the pad of my finger back over my flat tongue, trying to find more of her.


Why am I so invested?

It’s not just the fact that she makes my cock rock-hard whenever she gets too close.

I can wait till we get to Italy. To Club Fire. To extinguish the lust. I can have anything I want there, from any number of women. I can pay for a service, or find another woman who thinks like me, one who just wants a release with no strings attached.

I don’t need Paisley for sexual satisfaction.

It was something else that had me tossing that pebble up at her window. Telling myself I needed to tell her how it was going to be between us. Knowing I really just wanted to see her one more time tonight.

There’s this craving, deep down in my belly. One that’s only brought on by her presence. She’s nothing like the women in my past. She’s confident, sure of herself, but extremely humble. As she said, she knows her own mind.

Knows what she wants and goes for it. She says she wouldn’t do something she didn’t want to, and I believe it. Wholeheartedly.

She’s young, innocent, naïve, and so curious. The women I’ve been with are experienced. They’ve been with plenty of men and know exactly what to do in the bedroom.

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