Page 51 of Submission

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And I want nothing to do with this trip I’m about to leave on.

But there’s nothing I can do.

I’ve already said yes.



We walk past the spotless glass counters and their displays of necklaces and bracelets until we reach the section of engagement rings. Things have gotten…complicated. I push away the sight of her beautiful body, how responsive she was to my touch, the sounds she made—Mrs. Bachman’s voice thankfully interrupts my heated memories.

"I remember the first time I walked into Bachman’s Jeweler, it was like walking into a dream." Mrs. Bachman turns to her daughter. "It was one of those crisp fall days. I was walking to work and stopped in to see the beautiful jewelry. I couldn't afford a single thing in here, of course, but I liked to look."

Paisley smiled at the memory of her mom’s. "You've always been such a romantic," Paisley says. "I bet you loved being in here surrounded by all these beautiful rings. Isn’t this where you first met Dad?”

Boy, was it ever. I know the story, and it’s a juicy one. But I highly doubt her kids know it. Mrs. Bachman tosses me a quick, hard look that lets me know they don’t. And she doesn’t want them to.

Can’t blame her. It’s scandalous.

“Yes.” A flush rises in Mrs. Bachman’s cheeks. “It was. But that’s a story for another time.” She moves on. "Charlie used to work here. A long time ago. She always said that the right piece of jewelry could make a woman feel like a queen."

"That's so Charlie." Paisley glances down at the case of rings. She looks up at me, a teasing look on her face. "So, what kind do you think I should get, Savage?"

"Something as beautiful and unique as you are," I say, dryly.

"That's sweet, isn't it?" Mrs. Bachman pauses, studying the display cases around them.

Paisley eyes me, as if she's wondering if I'm being sincere. The words may have sounded cookie cutter, but I mean them. Kind of. Mostly, I’m annoyed to be here. I don’t mind working security, but I’d rather be in the wings, not having my newest mission reduced to personal shopper.

I move behind Paisley, lowering my voice. “Isn’t the man supposed to pick the ring?”

She blushes. No answer.

Paige cuts her blue eyes up at me, missing nothing. “What are you two whispering about?”

“Mr. Bodyguard over here,” Paisley gestures her head to the side, toward me. “He wants to know why Giovanni isn’t choosing the ring.”

“He’s paying but not picking. That’s how we Beauties tend to prefer it for the arranged marriages.”

“Mom, I’m technically the first to have an arranged marriage in the family.”

“Right. I meant, that’s how things will be going forward.” She waves a hand through the air, her own rings sparkling. “Oh, I don’t know. I’ve never done it this way before either. But I do know Giovanni doesn’t know you properly yet. We’d rather pick it ourselves.” She eyes me. “Don’t worry. Her husband will have a lifetime to buy her jewelry.”

“Where do we start?” Paisley sighs, looking overwhelmed by the number of options.

A perky woman with dark brows and plump, glossy lips stands behind the counter. "Start with the diamond. You always start with the diamond. There are so many different cuts to choose from. Pear, princess, square, oval. You have to figure out what you like. Then we can move on to the setting."

Mrs. Bachman points to a vintage style rose-gold ring. "This one is beautiful, but it might not suit your style."

"Why not?" Paisley asked.

"Well, it's a bit too flashy and glamorous for your taste. You might prefer something a little simpler. You know.” Her mom arches a brow. “To complement your hobbies."

Paisley frowns as she looks down at the ring. "Dad told you."

“Also a conversation for another day,” Mrs. Bachman says. “But seriously, I’m proud of you for being so brave. I can’t imagine stepping into a ring.”

“Yeah,” her daughter teases, “you might have broken a nail.”
