Page 12 of Mafia Savior

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I glance around. Still no one but I don’t feel comfortable standing out here in the open. I dive deeper down the narrow alleyway I just came from to get out of sight. I collapse in a heap, my ass on the pavement, my head in my hands and let fatigue and a torrid wave of emotions wash over me.

I'm safe, for now.

My mind spins with questions.

Where are my keys?

How far behind is Trevor?

Who was that man? Why was he wounded?

And why…

Why, oh why…

Did he kiss me?

It’s crazy, deranged, but I can't stop the beginnings of the smile that creeps to my lips as I remember the feel of his mouth against mine. God, I am deranged. Aren’t I?

I'm snapped out of my sweet daze by the sound of a familiar voice.

One that sends tendrils of ice creeping up my spine.

No… God… No… Don’t let it be. Please. Tears of fear instantly pop up in my eyes.

"Betty Boo. There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you."

No. No way. He's found me.

I'm frozen with fear, my heart hammering in my chest as I stare up at him. His face is a mask of rage, his dark eyes blazing. A chill runs down my spine.

He towers over me, his body tense and coiled like a panther ready to strike, the same one that stalked me in our apartment earlier today. His fists are clenched at his sides. I feel the anger radiating off of him in waves. Burning me.

I want to flee, but even if I could get past him, which I can't, I can't move. My legs are stone, my ass rooted to the ground as if held there by some invisible force.

The air around me is charged with electricity. The hairs on my arms stand as fear courses through my veins. I hate him. His is the last face I want to see. I can't bring myself to look away from him.

It's like I'm mesmerized by his fury, caught in its powerful grip.

I always was drawn to him. Like a hot stove you want to touch as a child, even when you've been warned away.

You know you're going to get burned.

Yet you still touch it.

He crouches down before me, his hands clasped in front of him. His face is inches from mine. Finally, he speaks. His voice has a deadly calmness to it. "You've left me for the last time.” His face comes even closer, his voice lowering, making it even more menacing than it already was. "This time, you won't get the chance to leave again."

My fear reaches a crescendo, bile rising in my throat. My hammering heart feels as if it will burst in my chest. I wrap my arms tighter around my legs.

I can't look away. I can't move. I can't think.

I stare up at him, terrified by the fury flashing in his eyes, and I know...

He's never, ever going to let me go.

Chapter Six
