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The next day back at the gym, when we are getting prepped for the ring, thoughts swirl. I question Chey’s allegiance to a character that has seen better days. I get the tie-in with her late mother, but it feels like there’s so much more here. Something unspoken.

Orcs aren’t afraid of anything, but this beauty in front of me is having me tread as if on eggshells. I secretly admire her power over me.

“Listen, there are reasons, okay? Financial reasons, branding contract responsibilities, you know. It’s complicated.”

I nod, but I know she’s gaslighting me. This is what everyone says in the industry when they feel the need to back a dead horse. How she doesn’t realize this is beyond me. After all my years in, how does she think I wouldn’t smell empty excuses when they’re thrown at me? I veer around that hot potato and change the subject.

“Right. Uh-huh. I’ve seen some of your performances. Not live, of course. On tape. The ones you did with your mom. They were damn good. I’m not blowing smoke, Chey. You two had something special in the ring, no doubt.”

I see her face brighten. I quietly exhale. But the wall is still up. I continue to tread carefully.

“Yes, well, I thank you for that.” Chey quickly warms up her limbs. Anything to have her head down to avoid my gaze, I figure.

I suppress a smile, but all I can think is, man, talk about Beauty and the Beast.

Mentioning her mom turns out to be a faux pas. I’ve upset her. I know it.

“Don’t forget your mouthguard.” I hand it to her.

“Thanks.” She stuffs it in but keeps her head low. I no longer question the aversion. She’s getting into the zone. We all have our ways.

“Ronan, I don’t need my father’s help. I’m not some helpless woman, you know?”

“Never said you were. What females who become wrestlers are?”

“I’m determined to reinvent myself on my own, on my own terms. Surely, you can appreciate that, given what you’re trying to do in your own career.”

“Yes, of course, I –”

“And who says it has to be all of nothing? I’m trying to keep the career I have. Not blow it to smithereens on a mere whim. How is that being smart?”

“No, you’re –”

“I just need to inject some new key moves. I show the power of good over evil. The fans will lap it up. You can see that, can’t you?”

Cheyanne is so focused. I’m impressed more by her actions than her words. I’ve never met a woman like Cheyanne. She’s a force. Nobody has had me back up in a chair before. Damn. I like it. I really like that.

Cheyanne jogs in place to maintain her heartbeat.

“It’s not to say I won’t commit to a mind cleansing of sorts. You know, coaching, counseling on how to mentally approach the newfound me. In and out of the ring. I’m prepared for that.”

I nod. I hear her words. I’m not buying what she’s selling, but it’s too early to tell if I have her psychological number yet. I give her space to set up her moves. As she spaces them out, we continue the talk.

“My schedule is light with events these next few months. That’ll give me time to develop Disastra and get more comfortable with the character. If I’m not confident, it’ll show in the ring. Every self-doubt always does.”

I nod. Fewer words from me, more thinking from her. As a trainer, you have to know when less is more.

“What I’m trying to say, Ronan, is that I need to keep my life the way it is. Just improve it. Not change it.”

“Yes. I get that.”

I lie through my razor-sharp teeth. I know for a fact Chey is in for the shocker of her life. Her fans will see through her half-assed attempt at career restoration. Man, I wouldn’t be surprised if they actually boo her in the next event. A heroine being booed. It’ll kill her. But I know a dried-up brand when I slam into one.

The last thought I have as I watch her go through her show is simple and to the point. That girl is overflowing with passion. None of it lives in Archimedes.



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