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“I’ve only known one other person who loved Christmas the way you do,” I reminded him. “And even he wasn’t this over the top,” I added.

Chad made his way to the fireplace, stopping directly in front of me. “But Jack wasn’t born on Christmas day like I was.”

I grabbed his hips and pulled him toward me, kissing his flat stomach. After almost six months together, I couldn’t keep my hands off him. He was addicting. He was the drug to my fast-becoming habit, always a proverbial ray of sunshine. He had a big enough umbrella to cover the world’s rainy days, and he still couldn’t be depleted of his loving spirit. I was at once mesmerized by him, as well as sometimes overwhelmed by the love that I had for him.

“Speaking of that,” I began, not wanting to harsh our holiday mood. “The third anniversary of Jack’s death is next week.”

“I know,” he answered. “I spoke with Perry yesterday and he mentioned it. He and Lucas are releasing a memorial wreath on their beach. I wish we could be there,” he added.

“We can send Jack our love from here,” I stated. “And how are those two?” I inquired. “Any news about Clint?” I added this because I wanted him to know I admired him for keeping his promise to Clint and being a friend to him.

“Perry and Lucas are well. They moved Mrs. Howard in full time and hired a caregiver for her. She’s doing better after the cancer treatments, but you know how Lucas is about his adopted grandmother.”

“I haven’t met Lucas or Mrs. Howard yet, but knowing Perry’s taste in men, I imagine he’s amazing,” I said. “And Clint?”

Chad forced my knees apart and sat on my lap. “You’re really something, Mr. Hicks.”

“And why is that, baby boy?”

He nuzzled his face into my neck and inhaled deeply. “God, you smell good,” he whispered, pulling away and tapping my nose. “So, back to Clint,” he began again. “I want you to know that I appreciate how you check in on him with me. You respect my need to be his friend and I love that about you. You asking about him proves that you trust me.”

“You make trusting you easy,” I answered. “I feel safe in our love, so thank you for that.”

“Perry told me Clint finished his house in Beaufort. He also mentioned that Rhonda is completely out of the picture, and that Clint replaced her with guaranteed love,” he reported.

I looked at him curiously. “Guaranteed love?”

“Yep!” he exclaimed. “And the love’s name is Pinky.” He grinned at me, smothering my face with kisses. After my lack of response to the Pinky news, he stared at me. “Aren’t you curious?”

“Okay. I’ll bite. Who is this Pinky gal?” I asked.

“First off, Pinky is a boy. And secondly, Pinky is a Rottweiler.”

I almost fell on the floor laughing. “That huge man has a Rottweiler named Pinky… and Pinky is a male dog?”

Chad folded his arms all proper like, a serious look on his face. “Pinky is an albino Rottweiler. Thus, he is missing a lot of hair and is pink in color.”

“No fucking way,” I quipped.

“I’ve got the pic to prove it,” he noted. “Want me to get my phone?”

“I believe you,” I stated, sliding my hand into his boxers. I owed him something and wanted to fulfill my duties.

“Stop,” he complained. “I have a tree to finish.”

Chad hopped out of my lap, while I tried to undress him as he fought me off and made his way back to tree number four. He slapped his butt as he continued to tease me and looked over his shoulder. “But don’t kid yourself, Daddy. Pinky is a brute. I’m quite sure of that.”

“Well, if he’s anything like Clint, I’m sure he is. Now hurry up. I want to taste you.”

Chad, after a very brief stay at the Christmas tree, skipped back to me. And I do mean he literally skipped. I wasn’t sure that I actually could skip if I was asked to try.

“I want something, Cole,” he said. “I need a favor from you and it’s an important ask.”

Looking at his wondrous face would make saying no to him impossible, so I knew he could ask for a kidney or for me to fly us to the moon, and I’d die trying to complete the favor.

“Yes!” I declared.

“Yes, go ahead and ask you or yes, I can have the favor?”

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