Page 7 of Love Letters Lost

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Brian spun and strode toward me in the blink of an eye. Kneeling down so that we were almost nose to nose. “I know you don’t need anyone to do anythin’ for you, but I want to. Today is fixin’ ta be a long emotional rollercoaster; a good soak in a hot bath will go a long way to release the tension you’ve already built up. Please, trust me, I only want to help you.”

“Why?” I whispered. His words made me want to believe him. Made me want for more than just the life I currently had. To want more than just a one-night stand or romp in the hay.

The touch of his fingers as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear sent a jolt of electricity straight to my core. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, and goosebumps raised on my arms as I leaned toward his warmth.

“You are strong, intelligent, sassy, and sexy as hell. I want you in more ways than one but now is not the time. You need pamperin’, a gentle hand, and a carin’ friend. Let that be me.” He leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

“Okay.” Fireworks exploded in my mind as his lips left my skin. No man or woman had elicited such a strong mixture of emotions as Brian did. Yes, I had experimented a little in college. I watched him walk out of the kitchen, appreciating the cut of his jeans as they molded to his ass and legs. Muscled but not so much that the fabric strained to hold together. He sauntered through Gran’s house as if he owned it, an aura of confidence, and what could only be considered an alpha male self-assurance.

I heard the water flowing in the bathroom, and it spurred me into action. I finished my plate, washed and dried it, and refilled my coffee mug. I hadn’t determined what to wear to the funeral yet, so I heaved one of the suitcases up on my bed with one hand, the other almost sloshing coffee onto the quilt. “Shit.” I held the mug away from me quickly and carried it to the nightstand.

“Babe,” Brian greeted me from the doorway, a sexy grin settled on his lips. “The water’s perfect. You can worry about clothes when you’re done.” He walked over, grabbed my coffee, and with one hand on my lower back, steered me down the hall to the bathroom. The scent was divine—lavender and mint with a dash of something else I couldn’t identify. A small, round plant stand sat beside the old clawfoot tub. It was there Brian placed my coffee. Two large fluffy towels sat beside the sink on the counter. The bathroom was average in size, and a double vanity led to the tub’s alcove. The toilet sat opposite the sinks, and a small linen closet was hidden behind the door. Gran had a shower installed on the tub a few years ago, keeping the charm of the old tub but adding a modern convenience when she couldn’t sit in the tub anymore.

I turned and hugged Brian, tears brimming in my eyes. “Thank you.” I hid my face in his chest, not wanting to reveal the myriad of emotions playing on my face. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head.

“Oh, babe, you’re welcome, but you don’t have to thank me. This was just a small thing I could do for you. Now, go on before the water gets cold.” He kissed the top of my head and grasped my shoulders, spinning me to face the tub again. I saw him slowly back out of the bathroom in the mirror. When the door latch clicked, I stripped and sunk into the aromatic heaven that filled the tub.

Laying my head on the edge of the tub, I sank until the water lapped at my breasts and my kneecaps. The tub was deeper than most but still of standard length, which meant only half of my body could be fully submerged at one time. I soaked until the water became lukewarm, then I quickly washed before pulling the plug and climbing out. I saw my coffee as I grabbed a towel, a bit sad realizing I had let it go cold. I dried off and wrapped the towel tightly around me.

I walked into my room to find my suitcases gone. I turned in a circle and noticed the door to the closet was slightly ajar due to the hanger dangling over the top of it. There, hanging on my closet door, was my sleeveless midnight black jumpsuit with the white accents at the collar and pockets. Below sat a pair of kitten heel sandals. Not what I had planned to wear, but a good choice.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I unpacked while you were relaxing. I liked the jumpsuit better than the dress, and I figured the kitten heels would be easier to walk across the grass and uneven ground in.” Brian leaned against the doorjamb, watching me.

“That was thoughtful. Thank you.” His recommendations made sense, but I didn’t want to admit it. The fact a man had chosen a better and more comfortable outfit attested to how distracted I really was.

“Take your time. I’ll be in the living room when you are ready.” He closed the door, allowing me to dress in peace.

In a trance, I got ready. Grabbing my favorite bra and panty set from the dresser, trying not to think about Brian touching the same silk as he put them away. I had packed my favorite scented lotion, preferring it to spray cologne. I applied it liberally then put on my robe. I didn’t want to get makeup or anything on my jumper. In the bathroom, I spritzed my hair with sea salt spray and put it in a French braid, not wanting to take the time to dry it. Tinted sunscreen, a swipe of blush, mascara, eyeliner, and a berry gloss on my lips finished my preparations.

I stared at the black jumper in front of me, knowing from this day forward I would look at it differently. It most likely would make its way to the back of my closet with the black dress I had for occasions such as this. I was wasting time staring. I took a deep breath and finished dressing. I couldn’t zip the jumper all the way up by myself, so I did the best I could. I slipped my feet into my shoes and found Brian in the living room, right where he said he would be waiting.

“Can you zip me the rest of the way?” I gave him my back. His hands grazed my skin as he inched the zipper up and hooked the clasp at the top. His hands settled on my shoulders, giving me a light squeeze.

“All done.” He turned me to face him. “Jason called and said something came up, so he won’t be pickin’ us up and will meet us there. Are you ready?”

My eyes met his deep and caring gaze. “As I’ll ever be for this.” I grabbed my purse from the table by the door as Brian opened the door in silence for me and did the same to the passenger door, helping me into the cab of his truck, closing the door once I got settled.

The engine purred to life, and he drove me toward the beginning of the next chapter in my life. If I had only known what that chapter would bring, I probably would have jumped from the moving vehicle.

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