Page 45 of Love Letters Lost

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Brian woke me two more times last night, taking my body in ways I never imagined before, once waking me with his head between my thighs, his expert mouth and hands never giving my mind enough time to catch up. Now, with the sun streaming in the window and me waking to full consciousness, I had time to reflect on all that had transpired.

He was true to his word; everything he did was to pleasure me. Even the spanking and anal play of our last round brought on an orgasm so intense, I forgot to breathe. This morning, I felt calm and relaxed rather than rushed to get dressed and out of the room, as most of my previous sexual encounters usually brought on. I turned over to watch him sleep and let the blossom of hope bloom in my heart.

Could I allow this man in? Allow him to control my body? A week ago, I would have said no, but now, it was a resounding yes. The peace of allowing him to take over my body and my choice last night settled deep in my soul. I wanted to make him happy, I wanted to please him, and if simply following his orders did that, then I would. In the bedroom anyway.

Nature called to me, and I slipped out of bed to tend to my needs. When I came out of the bathroom, Brian was sitting up in bed, a tray of pastries and two coffee mugs sitting on the bed beside him. He patted the mattress next to him.

“Come join me.” His grin lit up the room. “How are you this mornin’?”

I gingerly climbed back into bed, making sure not to jostle the tray and spill the coffee. “Sore but good.” I locked gazes with him. “Happy.”

“Good. Soreness is to be expected. I have some cream that can help with that in my bag. You can use it after we shower.” He handed me my coffee before taking his. “Is there anythin’ you want to talk about from last night? Any questions?”

I blew on my coffee before taking a sip. “Honestly, no. I enjoyed everything we did. I am surprised but glad I trusted you to take me outside of my comfort zone.”

“Is there anythin’ you really enjoyed that we need to make sure is on your green list?”

I considered his question, grabbing a cream cheese danish from the tray and taking a bite.

“Pet, communication is key. There’s nothin’ to be embarrassed about. It’s just you and me here.”

“The vibrator,” I stated as I finished my bite. “I’ve never had anyone use toys on me, and it was a new and exciting experience. I wouldn’t mind doing that again.”

“Noted. Anythin’ else?”

“You said something about nipple clamps.” I wrinkled my nose. “Do those hurt?”

“Not if they’re used and applied properly. There’s discomfort which leads to pleasure, and when they’re removed, the rush of blood back to the nipple can cause a flash of pain, but trust me to soothe it away for you.”

I nodded. “Okay, I’d like to try those, too.”

“And the restraints?”

I tried to figure out how to put into words how I felt about those. “At first, I was a bit frightened by not being able to move my arms to touch you, but once that passed, it added another level of intensity and excitement. The blindfold heightened it all as well, so those are both green to me.”

Sitting in bed, talking about the acts we had done the previous night, was slightly uncomfortable, but I forced myself to answer honestly. This was the beginning of something new and exciting, and I didn’t want to disappoint Brian. It felt a bit embarrassing to talk about sex, positions, toys, and such. That was always a taboo subject growing up. Hell, my mom had simply given me a book to read and told me to ask her questions if I had any. I learned more about passion, love, and sex through my romance books than through any teaching or talks in real life.

I felt like I was in a scene in one of those books. I chose to act like one of the characters instead of clamming up. It would take some time to get used to being open and frank about things, but watching Brian’s face as we talked, the approval and sly smiles, sent butterflies dancing in my stomach and encouraged my openness.

We finished off the pastries and coffee, and my mind wandered to Jason and what had happened back home. I wanted to know how things were.

“I can see that mind workin’ behind those eyes. What’s troublin’ you?” Brian reached out and rubbed his finger across the middle of my forehead, relaxing the frown lines pinched there.

“Nobody has told us what finally happened back home with Jason.”

“He’s with the FBI. Remember what Brody told us? Carter’s working with them to take down the cartel in Chicago, and when he’s released, he has agreed to come down here and work with the team. They will take him under their wing, train him, and help him find a job and a sub who fits him,” Brian replied.

“And therapy, do you really think it will help Jason?”

He took my hand in his, lacing our fingers together. “Your concern for a man who made some very wrong choices in life and allowed greed to take over is endearin’, but I don’t want you to concern yourself with him.”

“It’s hard. I’ve known him since grade school, and I think Kendra is hung up on him. I want to make sure he does change or find a way to get her to forget him.”

“I can ask Brody to keep us in the loop on how he’s doin’. Would that help?”

“Yes, thank you.”

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