Page 37 of Love Letters Lost

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I didn’t know the area, so I plugged his address into the GPS after cranking the engine, and an idea popped into my head. A mischievous smile spread across my face as I changed my destination before backing out. After sending a quick text to Genevieve, I took off following the directions that the mechanical GPS voice gave me.

I let myself into Brody’s house exactly two hours later, expecting to find the girls chatting away but was greeted with absolute silence. I was disappointed for a split second, then realized it was better they weren’t here yet. I quickly showered and put my little black bag together, stowing it beneath the bed.

My phone chirped and sang with an incoming call. I knew by the tone that it was my mom. “Hey, Mama.”

“Brian Evans, why did I have to learn about your new girlfriend from your brother?” Pain etched each word, and I cursed Brody in my head.

“I’m sorry. I just hadn’t had the time to call yet.” I cringed, knowing that was a weak excuse.

“No time to call your mother? I don’t believe that,” she huffed. “Now, tell me about her and when you’re bringing her to meet me.”

I settled against the headboard for what I knew would be an hour-long conversation at a minimum.

A key rattled in the door. “The girls are back, Mom. I gotta go.” Relief washed through me at their return. I had been trying to get off of the line for the last half hour.

“Oh, well, you give Fancy a big hug from me and remind your brother that he still has family here to visit. And remember what I said, you bring Genevieve with you when you come home.”

“Yes, ma’am. Love you.”

“I love you, too. No, don’t let those mongrels in here—” Mom’s voice echoed as she ended the call. I could vividly envision one of my nieces or nephews laughing as they let the pack of dogs, muddy feet and all, come in with them.

“Honey, we’re home,” Fancy’s voice rang through the house.

I met them in the kitchen. “I was starting to get worried,” I teasingly chided.

“Oh, sorry, Brian. I thought Brody was home.” Fancy’s face tinged a light pink.

“It’s okay. He gave me the truck, so I could come back. He will join us at Ian’s for dinner tonight. He had a few more meetings to attend.” I took the bags from her hands and placed them on the counter, then turned to take Genevieve’s.

She moved her shopping bag-laden hands to one side out of reach. “That’s okay, I’ve got them.” She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and scurried down the hallway to the room we were sharing. I raised an eyebrow at Fancy.

“Don’t you try that. I’m not telling you a damn thing.” She separated two bags from the rest and carried them to her bedroom.

I caught the logo on them and knew Brody was in for a happy surprise later because it was one of the stores I had visited myself earlier. I grabbed a soda out of the fridge and settled on the couch, waiting for Genevieve to return, repressing my dominant need to follow her and demand she model her purchases for me.

I needed to give her time to come to me. Having savored her more than once had me craving more every moment we were together. My control hadn’t been this tested since I first learned what it meant to be a Dom.

After what felt like hours, and neither of the girls had returned, I couldn’t wait any longer. I drained the soda in my hand, disposed of the can, and made my way to the spare room. I slowly opened the door, not wanting to startle Genevieve, and was greeted with the sound of the shower running in the adjoining bath and her voice singing along with the music she had playing.

I grinned when I recognized a familiar Nine-Inch Nails song. It sounded like she was getting in the mood for the night ahead, and my dick twitched in approval. I quickly shed my clothes and went to join her.

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