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I grunt.

“Is it Benson?”

“No. Benson is almost wrapped.”

“Good.” Darius tosses me a water bottle and grabs one for himself. “I heard the Adalwulfs took a chunk out of it.”

“Yeah, they grabbed a bunch of shares. When we take control, Aiden will have a vote, until we force him out.”

“Aiden Adalwulf,” Darius says slowly. “Isn’t he your cousin?”

“Yes.” Cousins, we were both ruthlessly groomed to lead a pack. The irony is Aiden Adalwulf is the one person on Earth in a position to understand the incredible pressure I’m under. Not that I’d ever admit a hint of weakness to him. One misstep, and he’d coolly slit my throat.

“You know what they’re saying about you, right?”


“The Adalwulfs. Their seeress has a new prophecy about you.”

I go cold. The Adalwulf pack has always had a seeress who advises the Alpha. Her prophecies have always given their pack an edge. “What?”

“Oh, you hadn’t heard? It’s something like, The Blackthroat king has a weakness. I assume that refers to you.”

The words hit me harder than any of his previous punches, but I’m careful to keep my expression blank.

The prophecy is obviously about me and Madison. Fuck.

“I need to get to the office.”

“You need to go for a run. Let your wolf out.” There’s sober concern on Darius’ face.

If I were smart, I’d take his friendly advice and head right back to the Berkshires.

But I have to see her.

* * *


Monday morning, Brick steps off the elevator looking…different. His hair is still wet, like he just showered, and he has an aggressive edge to him. Like the four-day weekend had the opposite effect of a normal man’s vacation. He definitely didn’t return relaxed.

I predict at least three people will get fired today.

Hopefully, I won’t be one of them.

His nostrils flare as he stalks in and heads straight for me.

If I were an employee less confident in my work, I’d already be packing my things in a box based on his murderous look.

But instead of tearing into me, he slams a Starbucks cup down on my desk. Well, as much as one can slam a paper cup.

The phone is ringing, so I quickly answer it while holding Blackthroat’s gaze. “Mr. Blackthroat’s office, please hold.” I press the hold button and drop the receiver into the cradle.

“Good morning, sir.” I go with smooth and professional.

Not, I-just-fucked-the-boss-this-weekend.

He glowers at me but seems short on words. Instead, he picks up the coffee cup and moves it closer to me.
