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“Then come for me Baby, come for me now. I wanna drink every juice from your body.”

She whined against my hand and my mouth, gripping the back of my head as she pushed her pelvis forward. Warm stickiness flooded my mouth as she clenched and unclenched around my fingers.

Her orgasm started with a few grunts then culminated into a piercing scream. I eased myself up and settled between her thighs as I stuck my hard dick into her.

Her screams subsided but she held on to me for dear life. As I lay a top her, I didn’t move. We stayed like that for a while until I felt her whining beneath me. Our lips found each other. Our tongues entwined. Our bodies moved in unison.

This was it. This was a passion I wanted, the passion that we shared. I knew that this was it for me, that I would never find this kind of passion again. I loved this woman and I wanted more. I sincerely hoped she felt the same way too.

* * *

Rusty Cock

“Whey yuh seh?” (What are you saying) Rusty demanded.

The forty-seven-year-old was five feet seven inches, with a rusty brown complexion and dreadlocks that reached his waist, although he was clean shaven. Their hideout was a partially completed three story house he captured from a man he used to serve.

Nathaniel was a youth when he murdered Antonique’s parents. He joined the gang when he was twelve and quickly rose up the ranks to become a mercenary for the wealthy and powerful. Her parents weren’t his first kill and by the time he was the sixteen-year-old, he’d become an expert. After a few years serving under the previous leader, he iced the man and took his place. Now he was the feared leader of the Point Blank Gang that carried out many of the crimes in the country. Their gang was enormous, however there was also talk of removing Rusty from power.

Rusty sat on a sofa with his legs crossed, a large spliff (weed cigar) between his fingers. His cutoff jeans displayed hairy legs and his t-shirt had the sleeves removed from the shoulder seams, revealing muscular arms. Rusty always had on a silver chain and three rings on his right middle fingers.

The room was sparce of furniture with only a sofa, a table, and a few chairs. In the several bedrooms in the house, mattresses were laid on the floor. The kitchen was the most used place as it had a fully stocked fridge – mostly water and beer – and fully functional appliances.

“Dem just disappear,” one of Rusty’s men relayed.

“How yuh mean, dem just disappear? Yuh wasn’t following dem?”

The guy fidgeted. “Yes Bossy, but the police was on the road and I had to make a detour. By the time I get back to the route, dem gone.”

Rusty stood, the spliff between his fingers, the tip of it red as ashes fell to the bare concrete floor. “Come here.”

The man walked forward to stand before Rusty. “Yes Bossy.”

Reaching up a hand, Rusty grabbed the man by the back of the neck. This guy was Five feet eleven inches, brawny, and bald. However, Rusty’s strength was unmatched as he held the man’s neck like a vice.

“Yuh useless piece a shit!” Rusty snarled, pulling the man’s head down closer. “Yuh ‘fraid a police? How yuh must run from police? Police must run from yuh.”

“Mi no ‘fraid Bossy, mi no ‘fraid.”

“If I want anything done, I have to do it myself. Whey yuh a get paid fi do?”

With that he put out the cigar on the man’s bare scalp then proceeded to punch him in the head with his ringed hand. Not satisfied, he punched until he saw blood oozing from the gashes on the man’s scalp.

When he was content with his actions, he released the man. “Bomboclaat idiat!” (expletive akin to fucking idiot).
