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“Is this the way it smells?” I asked. Neeky smiled and nodded, staring at me through the rearview mirror. “All the time?” She nodded a second time.

The Toyota sped past us in the opposite direction, leaving smoke and dust behind. The kings checked in to give directions to where they had followed the vehicle earlier. Neeky and I had to cover our noses from the stench of rotten animal flesh, sewage water and age-old rotting garbage that hadn’t been decayed yet.

We passed a few young men on the road, one group played dominos in front of a small shop, while another group leaned against a wall smoking weed. They paid us little mind as we cruised down the street. We bypassed the houses and headed into the disposal area where the heart of the stench was. I was baffled how people could reside in the condition and not fall sick.

“Over there,” uncle pointed to the Kings vehicle parked in the shadows.

Our vehicle came to a halt a few feet away and we alighted. The Kings walked over and spoke to Uncle while I tried to get some fresh air, only to inhale a ball of rottenness I had never smelled before. It made me gag and I wanted to bring back up food I’d eaten a week ago in Italy.

Neeky was not doing well either. She was bent over to one side dry hurling and holding her stomach. This concerned me and I went over to see if she was alright.

“I’m fine,” she panted. “The stink is too much.”

“Neo!” Uncle called and we both rushed over to where he stood. “They dumped a body over there.”

“What?” I was shocked. “Should we call the police?”

“Not yet. This is not a community that likes law enforcement. I’ll have my policeman buddy take care of it.”

Neeky got a flashlight from the SUV, while I turned on the camera on my cell phone. We followed the Kings over to where they saw Rusty’s men dump what seemed to be a corpse. The body was partially wrapped in a rug and tossed on a pile of garbage. One of the Kings walked over, covering his nose with a red bandana, and nudged it with his foot. I also walked over and saw that the body was that of a woman.

“Shit!” Uncle said behind me. “That’s his mother-in-law!”

I turned to my uncle. “Whose mother-in-law?”

“The politician.”

“Wow, she’s young and beautiful.”

I was about to take some pictures when I changed my mind. I wasn’t sure what the procedure was for such happenings in Jamaica, so I wanted to be certain before doing anything. It wasn’t like I was that same dumb young fool I was when my parents went missing. I’d learned my lesson and grown up a lot since then.

“Uncle, should we take some pictures?”

“Not in Jamaica. Where you come from is completely different from here.”

“It’s evidence.”

“And you’re not the police. How will you prove you didn’t dump the body here?”

“You’ve got a point, that’s why you’re my favorite uncle.”

Uncle came closer, resting a hand on my shoulder with a chuckle. “I’m your only uncle, idiot. Seriously though, they get this phone, and its evidence against you. They won’t investigate further.” He turned to the men and Neeky. “Let’s head out. We need to get some rest and then the real work starts.”
