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Chapter 8

The chapel was located in Randazzo, somewhere he’d never been and would never have thought to look as the place was off the map. Frankie remembered the place well and informed him that was where the last showdown between his parents and Balthasar took place. What Neo couldn’t figure out was what connection to this old rivalry did the woman on the phone have?

By the time the team arrived it was approaching dusk. They stopped about a half a mile away from the old building and split into two teams, completing the journey on foot. Neo was strapped with a Glock 19 Gen 5, but was nervous as shit. He hadn’t practiced shooting in six months and was not familiar with the weapon he carried.

This made him painfully aware of how unprepared he was. As he trekked the path that led to the church, he promised himself that he would make himself into a formidable opponent like his father was. All the men around him could hold their own in combat while he was yet to prove himself worthy.

“There it is,” Frankie announced.

The other team had made their way from the back and could be seen surrounding the building. The place was quiet, but Frankie seemed cautious about entering, which made Neo even more nervous. Frankie had been with his parents before his brother was born and was the most experienced of his father’s soldiers. Right now, he was taking notes from the way the man operated and was keen on learning from him.

Uncle Robert had sat him down last evening and made it clear that if he didn’t take the initiative, they would have to call in the Family Association, and especially his cousin Enzo to take charge, and they didn’t want to do that while he was still capable. Therefore, the only option was to start working with the team.

“Listen up,” Frankie stopped the team and gathered them close. “The place might seem deserted, but it could be a trap. So be careful. Boss, you stay close to me. You too Neeky.”

They were a team of six, and Frankie sent one man ahead while two flanked the rear. Weapons were drawn and Neo did the same. Beside him Neeky had her trench knives at the ready. He knew she was strapping, and wondered why she didn’t brandish her gun instead of her knives. Was she trying to show off? He snickered under his breath, clenching his teeth together as they moved stealthily forward. He hoped that his uncle was right about her skills because he didn’t want her to hold them back.

As they entered the building, they sensed that something was wrong. Neo, even though inexperienced felt the hairs on the back of his neck prick up just as Neeky grabbed his arm and pulled him into the shadow of the wall. His body came up hard against hers and he was surprised at how sturdy she was. Frankie also shrunk into the shadows as the man in front disappeared around a corner. They heard shuffling before the thud of a body falling.

“Fuck,” Neo whispered.

That caused Neeky to clamp a hand over his mouth to keep him quiet. He struggled against her, only to have her trap him between the wall and her body. He could feel her breasts push into his chest and smell sweet strawberry breath fan his face. For a moment his body went warm and relaxed until Frankie motioned for them to move.

Darkness was quickly spreading through the old chapel as night fell. Frankie knew his way around, but he and Neeky didn’t, so the captain instructed that they stayed close to him. As Frankie moved off, a figure appeared from around the corner. Like a lightning rod, Neeky lifted herself while using the wall as a prop to move forward. Neo had only ever seen someone walk on a wall in the movies. As she moved forward, she lifted herself into the air and landed her heel on top of the man’s head. He was about to protest that she might have had the wrong man when Frankie gave her the thumbs up sign. They stepped over the body that had slumped to the ground when Neo noticed that it wasn’t one of their men. A few feet later, they saw their man on the floor. Frankie took a moment to check him and they noticed he had a stab wound in the chest.

I need to learn their names, Neo made a mental note. And their darn faces.

Frankie beckoned that they continue and they moved into the main chapel with broken benches and a ruined altar with a headless statue of Mary. That much Neo made out in the dimness that ensued. Frankie walked quickly through the rubble and entered through a door which led them through a passage. While they followed Frankie, Neo could hear sounds and movements on the outside where the other team was. The two men at the rear were practically walking backwards as they guarded this team.

There didn’t seem to be much more activity inside the church except for that one man. The next few minutes were uneventful as Frankie led them down a dark humid basement. There was no light in there and the captain had to use his phone light as a guide. It took a while for their eyes to become accustomed to the dark while Frankie shone the phone light around the room.

While Neo, Frankie and Neeky descended the basement, the two men on the rear stood guard in the passage above. Once down inside the basement where they determined that no enemy soldier was, Neo also took out his phone and shone its light around.

“See anything,” he asked Frankie. “You sure this is the place?”

“Yeah, I’m sure,” Frankie replied. “Keep looking.”

“Over here!” Neeky called out.

Neo turned with his phone light to see Neeky crouching over someone lying curled up on the cold concrete floor, his front facing the wall. Neo rushed over and also crouched, grabbing the shoulder and turning them over. A gasp escaped him as his father’s bruised face with caked on blood was revealed. There was a gash on Adriano’s head near to the area where he’d been shot three decades ago.

“Dad?” Neo shook the body.

He bent over and listened for breathing while feeling for a pulse on his neck. The pulse was faint but he couldn’t feel any breath coming from his father.

“He’s still alive,” he announced. “The pulse is weak. We have to get him out of here ASAP!”

“I’ll call for…” Frankie was saying, but Neo was already removing his jacket and shoving it at Neeky.

“I’ll carry my father. Just get him up on my back.”

Both Neeky and Frankie assisted to get Adriano on Neo’s back. The trek back to the front of the chapel was uneventful, the few guards now dead. Once both teams met inside the main chapel, the second team was instructed to search the entire area for any signs of Melody while one of the men jogged back to the vehicles and brought it to the church.

“Frankie, take my father while I conduct the search of the area.”

“I’m not leaving you behind,” Frankie protested. “I will send one of the men with your father.”

“No, I trust only you with his safety.”
