Page 95 of Shadow Beasts

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“That’s a great plan. I can tell him I’m lost somewhere, and I don’t know where and to come and find us in the spot where we are but don’t know we are.” Paige let her head bang against the headrest.

They settled into silence for a moment before Paige grabbed her phone.

“It’s not a terrible idea. At least someone will be looking for us, then.” She tapped around, praying the battery didn’t die before she found the library’s number. With seven percent remaining, she pressed the call button. After a moment, a beep sounded. She threw the phone down in frustration. “No service.”

Dewey’s chin dipped to his chest.

Paige grabbed the steering wheel and shifted into drive.

“What are you doing?” Dewey asked as he struggled to keep his balance.

“I’m going to pull into a gas station or something and ask for directions. If they have a phone charger, I’ll buy one of those, too.” She swung the car onto the lonely road and sped up.

“Uh, Paige, not to sound negative or anything, but…I haven’t seen a gas station in miles.”

Paige squashed her lips together. Neither had she.

“To be honest, I haven’t seen a house in miles. Or anything else.”

Paige wrinkled her nose. “Me either.”

“Maybe we ought to turn around and go back toward the highway.”

They drove along the tree-lined road with fall leaves swirling in eddies as they wound through the wilderness. Dark clouds raced through the night sky.

“Maybe you’re right. Though I’m not sure if the other direction will help us at all. I really haven’t seen much since we exited the highway.”

Dewey climbed to his hind legs and stood peering out the window into the dark night. “Me either.”

“I just–“ Paige’s voice cut off.

“You just what?” Dewey asked. “Wish you wouldn’t have gotten off the highway?”

“No, I was going to say I just need to find a place to turn around, but look!” Paige pointed ahead of them.

Dewey collapsed back into his seat and followed the direction of her finger, slightly right and up.

“Lights,” Paige exclaimed with a grin. “Maybe we can get directions there.”

Dewey settled back in his seat and rubbed his paws together. “Oh boy. I hope it’s a gas station.”

Paige’s grin broadened before her forehead crinkled. “Wait, why?”

“I could use some snacks. I didn’t think about it, but we really should have gotten something to eat before we boarded a Moscow-bound plane. While you’re getting the cell phone charger, pick up a few food items. Chips, cookies, maybe a Dragon Energy drink or two. Oh, and if they have a Slurpee machine, I like the blue flavor.”

The grin faded from Paige’s face as she focused on reaching the lights and Dewey’s list of demands. She scrunched her nose, curling her lips as she bobbed her head back and forth. “Is that all? Are you sure you don’t want me to see if they have a ten-course meal I could purchase?”

“I mean, I doubt it, but if they have hot dogs or something, I wouldn’t say no.”

Paige shot him a sideways glance filled with annoyance.

Dewey held up his paws. “Just the chips will do.”

Paige wiggled her shoulders, settling back into her seat with a sigh while she continued along the winding road. The lights blazed at the top of the hill as they approached.

She ducked her head to squint up at them. “Doesn’t look like a gas station. I wonder what it is?”

Thunder rumbled overhead, and lightning lit the night sky.
