Page 85 of Shadow Beasts

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“Just make sure the paperwork is backdated when we get home. Come on. Let’s grab that stupid cat carrier.”

“Wait a minute. I can’t just fly to Moscow. I need clothes and toiletries. I need–“

Dewey flew back, hovering inches from her face. “You need a talisman before that beast catches you again. Now, let’s go.”

Dewey darted off in front of her, skipping the steps and flying straight up to his nest. He darted out moments later, pulling the dragon costume from its cardboard hanger.

He waved it at Paige. “Help me get this on.”

Paige set the heavy gold box on the desk and tugged open the Velcro closure on the dinosaur costume. “I think you’re actually excited about this.”

Dewey landed on the Locartifact desk, balancing on his hind legs. “I’m not. I’m just trying to do my part and save your life.”

Paige grinned at him. “Yeah, yeah. Admit it. You can’t wait to leave the library.”

Dewey shrugged as Paige held open the legs of the outfit for him to step into. “Maybe a little. I haven’t been outside in over a decade.”

“A decade? Not even for a whiff of fresh air?”

“Nope. All recirculated air for me.” He shimmied into the green outfit as Paige tugged it upward. “Watch the tail, watch the tail.”

Paige carefully wrapped the costume’s tail fabric around Dewey’s tail. “I’m watching it!”

Dewey pulled on the arms, and Paige snugged it tighter against his back, closing the Velcro.

“Watch my wings!”

“I’m watching, I’m watching.” She secured a bit of the Velcro near his neck. “There. Turn around and let me see.”

Dewey finished tugging the headpiece into place, adjusting it around his horns before he spun to face her, holding his arms out to both sides. “How do I look?”

Paige squeezed her lips together as she attempted to hold in a chuckle. The teal dragon stood in the dark-green suit. With felt spikes sticking out against his back and his now-green spiked tail swinging, he looked ridiculous.

“You look…great,” she said, barely holding back laughter.

Dewey darted off down an aisle and returned with a mirror. His horns wiggled. “I look ridiculous.”

Paige burst into laughter. “I know. The costume is terrible.”

Dewey dumped the mirror on the desk and landed next to it, tapping his foot against the wood.

Paige grabbed the pet carrier and unzipped the lid. “Hop in.”

“I can’t go looking like this. I look ridiculous.”

“There’s no time for that now. You look passable. Just get in.” Paige waved the carrier at him.

Dewey crossed his arms, his spiky tail wagging.

“There’s no time for this now. You said so yourself. Now, get in!”

With a huff, Dewey leapt from the desk. “Fine.”

He floated over and climbed into the carrier.

“Get down.” Paige flipped the mesh lid closed and started to zip it shut.

“Ouch!” he shouted as Paige contorted the carrier to zip around a curve.
