Page 61 of Shadow Beasts

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“Just as I left the library. I thought I heard footsteps.”

“Did you see anyone?”

Paige shook her head as she rounded the aisle in search of lemon juice. “No. Then I tripped and fell into the street and nearly got run over again.”

“From the red-eyed beast?”

“No, from a normal lady who proceeded to yell at me for being in the street. The scuffle resulted in me sustaining another injury, so I needed real first-aid stuff.” Paige flashed her scraped hand at the screen.

Dewey sucked in a breath, his lips pulling back in a wince. “You really are a klutz.”

Paige turned the corner into an aisle with two other shoppers. “Yes, I know. Thanks for reminding me.” She glanced up wide-eyed. “Hello. Nothing to see here. Just talking to my purse.”

She offered the others an awkward smile as she quickened her pace, weaving around them with her cart and continuing toward the juice. She tossed a bottle into the basket and left the aisle behind.

“Okay, got everything. I’m heading back.”

“Wait! Just a second,” Dewey hissed.

Paige ground to a halt. “What is it? Something else you forgot on the list?”

“Could you grab me an Energy Dragon energy drink? Coffee’s not cutting it.”

Paige jutted her chin forward toward the screen. “Are you serious?”

“Yes. Jitter Juice or Rocket Fuel flavor, please. If they’re out of both of those, get Speed Demon.”

Paige bit her lower lip, letting her eyes slide shut and shaking her head.

“Fine,” she said with a sigh. “But you owe me for this. I’ve got to go allllllll the way back through the store to the coolers in the back.”

“I think you’ll live.”

“What did you do with the last librarian?”

“I ordered them special delivery, but I’m out. And besides, I thought we were friends.”

Paige wove through the aisles on a mission toward the drink coolers. “I’m rethinking that.”

She froze as she passed an aisle, sliding to a stop.

“What is it?” Dewey inquired. “Someone following you?”

Paige backed up a few steps and arched an eyebrow. A grin spread across her face slowly.

“Paige, what is it?”

“I just had an idea on how to get you out of the library.” She glanced into the tote, the smile still beaming off her face. “I’ll call you back. Gotta go!”


She tapped at the red end-call button, and the screen went dead. Paige swung the cart into the aisle and retrieved two items. With both in her cart, she hurried back to the drink section, tossed six cans of Energy Dragon into her cart, and headed for the checkout.

She shoved her glasses farther up on her nose as the cashier chewed her gum with an open mouth while scanning her items.

After a few, she flicked her gaze to Paige and raised her eyebrows. “Interesting collection of items you got here.”

“Well, I’m an interesting person,” Paige said, digging her wallet from her tote bag.
