Page 13 of Shadow Beasts

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“If my salary really is as high as they said, the first order of business will be to find a new place to live. This new neighbor upstairs is exceptionally annoying.”

After another ten minutes, Paige flung the blanket back and rose from her comfy spot. “That’s it. I’m going up there and confronting them. This has been going on for over an hour.” Paige stalked across the room. “And while I understand they are just moving in, a little consideration wouldn’t be out of the question. It sounds like they’re dropping every piece of furniture they own on the floor!”

With a muffled shriek, Paige whipped open her door and stormed up the stairs, making a beeline to the apartment directly above hers. She pounded against the door before crossing her arms tightly over her chest, her foot tapping the worn floor as she waited.

With her lips pressed together, she shook her head and lifted her fist to knock again. She swung her hand forward, smacking into her upstairs neighbor’s face as he flung the door open.

“Oh my goodness!” she exclaimed, stumbling back a step. “My apologies! I was attempting to knock on the door, not your face!”

“No problem,” the man answered. “Is there something I can do for you?”

Paige recovered from her shock and focused on the man in front of her, leaning casually against the doorjamb with his forearm. His bare chest, rippled with muscles, gleamed with sweat.

He flashed her a grin, showing off his perfect white teeth.

“You!” Paige exclaimed, her jaw agape.

In front of her stood the handsome stranger who had returned her glasses after her less-than-graceful spill down the library stairs.

He nodded and grinned again, narrowing his eyes and pointing a finger toward her. “The librarian, right?”

“Yes, that’s right. You helped me after I fell earlier today. Thank you again.”

He waited a few moments before he said, “So, how did you find me?”

“Oh, I–“ Paige stammered around, searching for an explanation. “I–I–umm… The thing is…I’m your neighbor. I live in this building. Downstairs. Right downstairs.”

“Oh, great. Nice to know.”

“Umm, I came up because… Well, the thing is I realize you’re moving in, but…”

The man crossed his arms over his chest, leaning a shoulder against the door. “But?”

“Well, I just wanted to see if you needed any help.”

He lifted his eyebrows and glanced over his shoulder into the apartment. “Oh, well, that’s nice of you. But I think I’ve got it mostly under control.”

Paige nodded and offered a nervous smile and a half chuckle. “I’m sure you do.”

“Hey, uh, sorry about the noise. I’ve almost got the furniture where I want it. It shouldn’t be much longer.”

Paige waved her hand in the air. “Oh, not at all. Don’t worry about it. It’s no bother.”

“Oh, good.” He grinned at her again, arching a dark eyebrow as he stared into her eyes.

They stood in silence for a moment before he said, “I don’t think I caught your name.”

“Paige. Paige Turner,” Paige said, thrusting her hand forward.

He grasped it firmly, giving it two pumps before he said, “I’m Devon LeBlanc.”

Silence fell between them again before Paige gave him another nervous smile and said, “Well, Devon LeBlanc. Welcome to the building. And if you need anything, I’m just downstairs.”

“Thanks a lot, Paige Turner. I’ll be sure to remember that if I need a cup of sugar.”

Paige adjusted her glasses as she nodded before she shook her head. “Oh, I don’t keep many baking supplies–“

Devon waved his hand in the air. “Just a figure of speech.”
