Page 69 of Power Play

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Glancing out the front windows, she couldn’t help but marvel at how pretty the city looked covered in a blanket of snow. It was January, and this was Pittsburgh’s first big snowfall of the season.

“I love snow,” she said to Shelby, who was checking in with the hostess stand.

“Not me.” She grimaced. “It’s cold, and wet, and miserable.”

“Oh, come on, look how pretty it is.” Jordan pointed outside. “And I love how after it snows, the world feels quiet and still.”

“I guess.” Shelby shrugged. “As long as I don’t have to go out in it. If I had a choice, I’d rather be on a beach somewhere in eighty-degree weather.”

Even Shelby’s pessimistic view of the first snowfall couldn’t bring Jordan’s mood down. Things had been great with her and Noah. They had spent Christmas with his family in Montreal, and the New Year with her family in Ohio, and since The Renegades played in Columbus on New Year’s Eve, her whole family was able to be at the game.

Jordan was happier than she had ever been. She had a job that she loved and a man that she adored. The only loose end was what would happen at the end of the season? Noah only had a one-year contract with the team. He effortlessly fit in with the guys, and she had no reason to think they wouldn’t re-sign him. But that remained to be seen.

While she tried not to worry about something she had no control over, the questions remained. Would he be signed to another team? Would she move with him or stay here? And what about the bar?

The door opened with a rush of cold air. Noah hurried inside, stomping the snow off his feet as he entered the establishment. He shook the snowflakes off his jacket before grabbing Jordan around the waist and twirling her in the air.

“Wow.” She giggled. “What’s this all about?”

“We’re celebrating!” Noah exclaimed, as customers turned to see what all the noise was about. “Hey, Mo, can you pour us two glasses of champagne?”

“You got it, boss,” Mo answered.

“C’mon.” Noah dropped Jordan back to her feet, grabbed her hand, and pulled her towards the bar.

Jordan looked back at Shelby, and they exchanged shrugs of confusion.

At the bar, she looked from the glasses of bubbly to Noah. He could hardly contain his excitement and she thought he might burst. “So? What are we celebrating?”

“I just came from a lunch meeting with my agent, Jerry. And I have big news.” He paused a moment to catch his breath. “The Renegades just offered me a five-year contract! It’s a done deal. Babe, I’m staying in Pittsburgh for five more years!”

Joy engulfed her as Noah pulled her close and kissed her with everything he had.

“Congratulations!” Throwing her arms around him, she held him tight. Contentment warmed her from within. This was the one thing that had been hanging over their heads, and now all those questions disappeared.

“Looks like you’re stuck with me for at least another five years.” He grinned as if he had just won the lottery.

It was Jordan that had won the prize. “I sure hope it’s a lot longer than that.”

They picked up their glasses, ready to toast.

“Congratulations, boss. Glad you’re staying put in the ’Burgh!” Mo grinned.

“Thanks, Mo.” Noah turned his attention to the dining room. “Did you hear that, Slap Shot? Noah Rodgers is staying in Pittsburgh for another five years!”

The crowd roared with cheers and applause.

“Next round is on the house!” Noah added, evoking more cheers from the patrons.

Turning back to her, Noah clinked his glass against hers, and they each took a sip of the champagne. Noah pulled her into him again and held her tight.

“So, I’m not going to scare you away if I tell you how much I love you, am I?” Noah asked.

A breath caught in her throat. She had been waiting to hear him say those words. “Scare me away? Are you kidding? You’re stuck with me for five more years at least.”

“Longer than that, I hope.” Noah tilted her chin up so her eyes met his adoring gaze. “I never knew I could care about someone as much as I do you, Jordan. I love you.”

“I love you too, Noah.”

Outside, snowflakes fell to the ground, the perfect backdrop. The snow had her soul at peace, and now with Noah signing a new contract, her heart was at peace as well.

Tilting his head down to hers, he brushed his lips against hers. Jordan wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, as the bar crowd chanted, “Five More Years!”
