Page 49 of Power Play

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Feeling nervous already, she nodded. She took a seat in the office, and Noah closed the door behind him. His eyes were twinkling, and his lips turned up in that boyish, seductive way that made her forget everything else. There was no mistaking his intent.

She was annoyed at herself for her reaction to him, and turned her attention to the paperwork in front of her. They were in her place of business, and this was the last place she wanted to feel like this. The memory of their sizzling coupling against the wall haunted her every time she was in this room. But that was after closing, when her guard was down. Totally different than during the busy work day.

But one look into his eyes, and she melted.

“You’re really not going to make me ask, are you?” he said, leaning against the door.

“Ask what?”

“Is anything wrong?” You seemed to shut down last night, and couldn’t wait to get away from me when I dropped you off.”

“I was exhausted, that’s all.” Her face burned.

“Are you sure that’s all?” Noah pushed away from the door and stepped towards her. “Because I have something to ask you.”

“Oh?” Now her curiosity was piqued.

“Come to the game tonight.”

“Oh, I, um—” Her mind raced, trying to think up a plausible excuse.

“Didn’t you enjoy the game last time?” He stepped close to her, until she could feel his warmth. He set his water bottle on the desk, and then smoothed a tiny stray strand of her hair back from her face. His voice was low and sexy, as he stepped behind her chair and began to slowly massage her shoulders. “I liked looking into the stands and seeing you there.”

Her heart thudded in her chest, and she stifled a groan, because his kneading of her tight shoulders felt so amazing. If only his hands would move lower… She licked her lips, remembering all they had done together. She ached for him again, and she forgot why she shouldn’t.

“And the post-game fun? That was amazing, too,” he said, as his fingers moved down her arms, pressing into the muscles there and ever so slightly brushing the sides of her breasts, before moving back to her shoulders.

“Okay, sure,” she agreed, because obviously she had no control over her brain. “Sounds fun.”

He stopped massaging and moved to face her again. “Wonderful.” He smirked, making butterflies dance in her stomach. “Then meet me after the game, for overtime.”

She wanted overtime fun now. Against the wall again. Or on the desk, it didn’t matter.

To her dismay, he grabbed his water bottle and walked to the door. “I have to run. It’s lunch time in the player’s lounge. Then I’ll be heading home for my game day nap.”

“Oh, right,” she said breathlessly. “So, I’ll see you later then.”

He flashed a smile before leaving the office.

Jordan sat back in the chair, feeling deflated and frustrated. So much for distancing herself. She grabbed a sheet of paper and fanned herself. Here she was, hot and bothered, and he’d barely had to say or do anything. Why was she so helpless when it came to his seduction?

She checked the time. Donna would be here soon for their lunch date. She spent a minute tidying the papers on the desk, and then stood and straightened her skirt. Perhaps she’d just take one spin around the dining room to take her mind off Noah before breaking for lunch.

As she closed the office door, she came face to face with Noah.

“Did you need something else?” she asked.

“Yes.” He nodded with a sly grin. “This.”

His warm lips pressed to hers, and his hard body moved her against the wall. She melted under his fiery embrace and was powerless as she kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

The sexual tension reheated, bubbling to the surface, as his tongue ran along her bottom lip. Her brain knew this was not the place for this sort of thing. But her body didn’t care.

The sound of heels clicking on the floor alerted her that someone was coming, but not before her sister Donna walked around the corner.

“Oh! Excuse me.” Donna chuckled, and quickly shielded her face with her hand.

Jordan pushed away from Noah, heat rushing to her face.
