Page 91 of Auctioned Virginity

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I scrambled off Todd, but I didn’t relinquish my knife, holstering it instead. “Who are you?” I asked.

Jade grabbed a gun that had been abandoned by a body now littering the pavement, then pointed it at Todd’s head.

I knew from experience that that was not something I wanted to stand close to.

“I’d say ask our father, but you fucked that up.” Her words dripped with hatred and a hint of sadness…but it wasn’t until after she pulled the trigger that they registered.

Not “your father.” Our father.

I snapped my head toward her, pain lancing my gut from the smell of the splattered brain matter. “You’re my…”

Her unaffected state told me all I needed to know about her upbringing. She trained the gun on me, the barrel set between my eyes. My only natural reaction was to drive my palm under the gun, grabbing her arm to twist the weapon from her grasp.

Jade shrieked when I curled a leg under hers, sending her flat on her ass.

“Don’t move,” I ordered.

Eli appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, his attention on the girl that was supposedly my sister. “Make sure she doesn’t run away,” I ordered, knowing I had no authority over any of Romero’s friends.

He didn’t answer me, choosing instead to grin down at the raging girl. I turned, diving into the fight once again.

Immediately two guys were on me, and thankfully close enough to engage without shooting. I threw the first punch, then dodged the blow aimed for my temple. Kicking back, I connected with the chin of the second guy, who went down.

Guy number one wiped the blood trickling from his nose before sneering. The imagery of smeared crimson across his lips and teeth was unsightly.

A heavy metal object hit the back of my head just as I was preparing to let my fist fly again.

I fell to my hands, barely keeping myself from getting a mouthful of asphalt. Black spots danced in my vision and my stomach roiled. Forcing myself to roll, I just managed to avoid the kick delivered by the asshole who snuck up behind me.

The first guy—who had bushy black brows—chuckled, his face doubling before me. Or maybe two guys with matching furry caterpillars stuck to their faces leaned over me. I blinked, trying to decipher which it was.

Fuck, that was a hard hit, I thought. Gritting my teeth, I popped back to my feet, my movement jerky. The world tilted, and nausea threatened to turn my guts inside out.

“Crazy bitch doesn’t know when to stay down,” the slimy voice of my surprise attacker mocked. He held his gun loosely in one hand, which made me think that his share of ammo was spent.

“Us crazy bitches are always the toughest to kill,” I said, hoping they didn’t notice the way I swayed.

Caterpillar Face chuckled. “We’ll see about that.”

I palmed my knife, letting his attack come. When his fist flew, I ducked, slicing the blade under his bicep. It severed tendons, and the man howled. He cradled his arm, screaming at me.

The guy with the gun came for me next. I sidestepped his lunge, driving the hilt of my weapon into the back of his skull like he’d done to me.

He stumbled before whirling around, aiming his useless firearm for my chest. I stepped into him, my teetering gaze fixed on his as best I could.

“Don’t make me shoot you,” he said lazily, pasting on a twisted grin. “You’re far too pretty to kill.”

“Aw,” I crooned with false sweetness. “What a charmer.”

I dropped to a crouch, snapped my wrist across, then yanked the knife from his crotch to his chin as I stood. Blood sprayed, and the asshole gurgled nonsensically.

I stepped away, whirling.

Eli and Jade were gone. Kieran had vanished along with Darren—the car door looked as though it had been pried open.

Rafael was grinning like a madman, the barrel of a gun shoved into a dude’s mouth, while Aaron was being held by two guys. A third kneed him in the groin. His face twisted with pain, but a second later, he pulled his arms free like the fucking Hulk, smashing their heads together and squaring off with the third.

Vaguely, I wondered if Romero had trained him.
