Page 66 of Auctioned Virginity

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This life Romero lived was far from the simple businessman I’d thought he was. The man that taught me to fight and to never give up was dangerous.

But fuck if that didn’t turn me on just a little.

However, the ultimate reality that he’d nearly been killed, that they’d broken into my home and chased Aaron, Kieran and I when we fled, dampened that effect.

I didn’t want to live like this—forever fearing for our lives. I wanted to finish school, and already this territory war was keeping me from that goal. Being with Romero was my deepest desire, but how much longer was that realistic with people shooting at him? I didn’t want to be left alone, grieving for him too.

Once we’d finished eating, I settled my head against his arm, letting him run his fingers up and down my bicep. The more my thoughts tumbled down the cliff that was the fact that I didn’t belong in his world, the stiffer my body became.

“What are you thinking?” he asked.

I hesitated, because in truth I was so thankful that he was okay. There were no regrets that he’d been my first—and Romero would be a tough act to follow—but I couldn’t stay.

Heaving a sigh, I said, “I don’t think I can live like this.”

His fingers stilled. “It won’t always be like this, you know. Once my enemies have been crushed, we can go back to life as it was before.”

I bit my lip. “When this one is gone, another will take their place. I don’t want to get shot at my whole life.” Romero went rigid at those words. “I just want to finish school and live normally.” I was relieved that I’d gotten that off my chest, and felt like my heart was fracturing, preparing to shatter into a million pieces.

He nodded slowly. “In my mind, there is no one more suited to surviving this life than you. I tried to teach you early on to fight for what you want. If I am not it, then it’s best I know now. As soon as the immediate threat has passed, I’ll see to it you are delivered back to California.”

Tilting my head back to see him, I pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. “I wish things were different. But I have never been more terrified than when I found out you’d been nearly killed.” My eyes turned pleading. “Please don’t ask me to live with that again.”

Romero’s hard gaze bore into me until he brought his mouth down on mine, searing his name on my heart where it would remain for all time. He kissed like a man who hadn’t been shot only days ago.

He threaded his fingers into my hair before gripping it hard and pulling my head back to expose my throat. His teeth nipped at the sensitive flesh, then his tongue soothed the pain away.

Our mouths crashed together again as I gently climbed onto his lap, careful to place my hands on the headboard behind him. We took and tasted as if in a savage battle where neither of us would come out victorious.

When we gave up, knowing it could go no further, we panted together, breathing the same air. I scanned him for any signs of pain or bleeding, but other than the tired lines beneath his eyes, he looked nothing but hungry.

“You’re mine in every way, Julietta. How can I ever let you go?”

His words were low and husky. The possession in them sent a thrill through me, but it faded almost as quickly.

I nuzzled my nose against his playfully. “Easily. I’m sure there’s a line of gorgeous, young blondes just waiting to claim a place at your side.” I forced my voice to stay even, even though my insides felt like they were breaking.

Romero growled. “None of them can fight like you can. Their eyes don’t light up at the idea of violence the way yours do. They don’t crave my punishing kisses. Ever since you had me spank your ass and grew so fucking wet while I did it, I knew you were meant to be mine. So no, Julietta, there is no other woman that can rightfully take the throne beside my own. Only you. If you walk away, it’ll remain empty until I die.”

I swallowed hard, prying myself off Romero’s lap though I ached for the hard cock. Inadvertently, my pussy brushed against it when I dismantled, and I hissed in a breath. The fire in his eyes didn’t diminish, and I saw my answer in them.

He wouldn’t let me go. Because I’d just proven how much I wanted to stay. He’d never let me walk away, knowing he was the missing part of me. Romero was the strength I’d called upon when the guys at school would try to kick my ass, or when I thought I’d starve.

He ignited the fire in me to become more. To shove my demons down into the darkness and rise up as their motherfucking queen.

Which was why I couldn’t wait until whatever enemy was hunting him was dealt with.

I had to escape. If I ran until no one could find me, then I wouldn’t be a target.

Even as my resolve hardened to stone, my heart fissured. I could feel the pressure building. Soon it would crack.

And I knew it would never be whole again.


I waited for Romero to fall asleep—for night to settle on the property—before sliding out of the bed. After Darren had brought him some pain meds that helped knock him out, I knew my movements wouldn’t easily rouse him.

I’d showered and been given a fresh change of clothes that the men had packed in my backpack, which fortunately had my wallet inside. Turning the doorknob slowly, I cracked the door open and checked for any lights still on or low voices. But everything was quiet. However, knowing this was a safehouse, I highly doubted that everyone inside was asleep—which meant I’d need to be silent.
