Page 10 of Auctioned Virginity

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Aaron piped up. “Fuck, I’d buy her a brand-newLamborghini for that.”

Romero hissed. “Shut the fuck up, youidiotas. She’s not kissing any of you.”

White-hot anger flared in my chest. I crossed my arms and only succeeded in pushing up my breasts higher, drawing their focus like lasers.“I’d kiss any one of these guys just to spite you,” I shot back.

Romero’s dark eyes snapped up to meet mine, and the promise of wrath made me shiver. The others either laughed or simply shot him curious glances. They no doubt saw what I did. My pushing him wasn’t good. I needed to get out of here, but something about proving that I could handle myself in front of his friends felt like breaking down the wall that had been erected between us.

“What else would you do,little girl?” the man with the white-blond hair asked.

I bit my lip, pretending to mull it over. “Let’s just say I have a lot to offer.”

Chapter Six


“If you want my assistance, Julietta, you’ll go back upstairs now,” Romero said in a low, menacing tone that had my entire body on high alert.

“How many boys have you lured to your bed, Julietta?” the one called Aaron asked.

Before Romero could answer for me, I snapped, “None.”

But that answer clearly seemed to be the wrong one, because everyone went utterly still. Romero included. His nostrils flared as he slowly turned his head to face me.

My face warmed. “Well, I’m not some slut or something. And I’ve been too busy surviving to worry about boys.” The words and it’s not a boy that I want stayed mercifully locked inside.

“No one was going to accuse you of being a slut, darling,” the silver fox replied with a smirk.

“Have you sucked a cock before?” The Russian placed a cigarette between his lips and lit it. The smoke curled in the air, adding to his threatening appearance.

My lips parted on a sharp breath. “Y—”

“Julietta!” Romero chastised, up on his feet again. “Upstairs now or I will throw you over my shoulder and take you there myself.”

“Not so hasty, Romero.” The Russian chuckled. “I think she was about to tell us she had, in fact, sucked a dick before.”

“Enough, Rafael. You’re not going to torment my ward.” Romero glared at his companion then at each of the men around the table.

Man Bun twisted back to face me. “She’s eighteen, yes?”

I nodded, because it was me he was looking at. “As of last week.”

The man flinched. “Yikes,” he whispered, but I heard it nonetheless. To Romero he said, “Sit down. I’m not going to touch her.”

Romero didn’t move, but it was pretty clear from the fire in his eyes that he was pissed.

“Julietta, do you have a dildo in your room?”

“Eli,” Romero hissed at the man, who grinned a wide, predatory smile.

My entire body flushed, and suddenly I realized this entire scheme of me proving that I wasn’t out of my depth had been a trap. Still my head nodded, though I was certain I hadn’t ordered it so.

“If you go up there and get it, bring it back here, and show us how you suck a cock, I’ll give you a hundred thousand dollars. Tonight,” Man Bun—Eli—said far too calmly.

“Uh—I—what?” I looked to Romero for confirmation I’d heard that right.

His eyes fell shut as he pinched the bridge of his nose. So he wasn’t going to be any help.

“I’ll toss in my own hundred grand,” Aaron added eagerly.
