Page 36 of Wanting Mrs. Clarke

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A soft laugh bubbled up from Hollis’s throat when Kate cursed, unable to get beyond the third button.

Hollis broke the kiss and took Kate’s hands in her own. “I have something else I want to tell you,” she said, looking up at Kate, her hair tossed over one shoulder, her cheeks flushed.

“There can’t be any more good news,” Kate said with a smile.

“There is.” Hollis’s thumb lazily caressed Kate’s skin as she kept a hold of her hands. “I’m going to view a house tomorrow evening. Are you free?”

Kate lifted an eyebrow. “Yeah… You want my opinion? You’re the expert?—”

“I don’t want your design ideas. I want to know if you could see yourself living there,” Hollis said with a smirk, her words lingering in the air between them.

Kate’s mouth fell open. “I don’t know what to say. I mean, I didn’t think today could get any better.”

Hollis reached up to brush a lock of hair away from Kate’s eyes. “I’m tired of wasting time.”

Kate closed her eyes, leaning into Hollis’s touch. “Stay with me tonight,” Kate whispered when her eyes fluttered open.

“I was hoping you’d ask me that.” Hollis slid her hand under Kate’s hair, hooking it behind her neck as she pulled her down into a passionate kiss.
