Page 63 of Grizz

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She glances past me towards the bedroom door. “I didn’t know what to do and I couldn’t find you.”

“Did you call an ambulance? Is he in hospital?”

She shakes her head, her eyes still fixed past me. My heart slams hard in my chest as I turn towards the bedroom door. I move towards it, then rest my hand on the doorknob, too terrified to turn it in case Nate comes charging out in anger. I take a deep breath and turn the knob until it clicks. I glance back at Mum, who is staring wide-eyed at me.

The second I push the door, a smell hits me like nothing I’ve ever smelt before and I instantly gag. Covering my nose and mouth with my jumper sleeve, I push the door until Nate’s feet come into view. I wince, stepping in. Nate’s still body is on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. His eyes are open and there’s blood soaking the sheets around his head.

I quickly close the door and rush out of the flat, gasping in fresh air to replace the scent of rotting flesh. I’m shaking so hard, my legs feel like they’ll give way. Mum steps out and whispers, “What shall I do?”

I stare at her blankly. “Why didn’t you call an ambulance?”

“He was already dead.”

“So fucking what?” I hiss, glancing around to make sure no one’s listening. “It was self-defence, right?”

She nods. “But I panicked. What if they didn’t believe me?”

“They’re not going to believe you now. How long has he been here?”

“The same night they took Ivy.” I take a few steps back away from her, and she frowns. “You can’t leave me,” she hisses.

“Are you mad? I can’t sort this, Mum. I’ve got Ivy to think of.”

That cruel look returns and I brace myself for the blow. “If you don’t help me, I’ll tell them it was you.”

“They wouldn’t believe you. I’ve got an alibi.”

She smirks. “You don’t think Grizz would use it to get you out the way? I’ll tell the police you came back and attacked us, and then you locked me in the flat with no way to call for help.”

“You’re fucking deluded,” I mutter.

“Are you willing to risk it? Grizz will get Ivy, and you’ll go to prison.”

I run at her, slapping her before she can escape back into the flat. “You fucking evil witch,” I scream, shoving her to the floor.

The neighbour pops his head out the window to see what all the commotion is. “Help me,” Mum yells. “She’s lost her mind.”

Panic takes over and I release her. “It’s nothing, a family argument,” I tell him, holding out my hand for Mum to take. She does, smirking as I pull her to her feet. “Nothing to worry about.”

He looks at Mum for confirmation, and she nods. “I’ll be fine.”

We go back into the flat. “I fucking hate you,” I hiss, pulling out my mobile.

Axel answers on the second ring. “Luna, where the fuck are you? Grizz is losing his mind.”

“What are the chances of me getting your help without you telling Grizz?”

He laughs. “Zero, baby. What have you done now?”



Luna answers the door looking sheepish. My hand grips her throat, forcing her up against the wall. “First, you sneak out to ask another man for money, and then, you ask my President to keep shit from me?”

“You already hate me, Grizz, I didn’t need this thrown at me too,” she mutters.

I release her as Axel walks past and goes into the living room. “What’s going on?” he demands as we follow him.
