Page 35 of Grizz

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I head upstairs to my room, get the five grand from my safe, and ride back to the same bar I just met Reaper in. I hand over the money, and he confirms the debt is paid. Nate is all mine.

When I get back to the clubhouse, Luna and Fletch have disappeared. Axel gives me a knowing smile, but I ignore him and walk casually to the stairs. He can’t know how pissed I am, but the second I’m out of his view, I take the stairs two at a time and head right for her old room. If she was gonna fuck him, it would be there. When I find it empty, I’m even angrier, knowing that if I find them in her new room, with Ivy right there, I’ll kill them both.

I shove her door open and it smacks back against the wall. Luna sits up in surprise, dropping the book she was reading, and Ivy wakes, screaming like an alarm. “Christ,” hisses Luna, “where’s the damn fire?”

I glance around her room casually while heading over to Ivy’s basket and lifting her out. I like that she instantly calms against my chest. “If you’re looking for Fletch, he isn’t here,” she says, narrowing her eyes.

“Did you two—” My words are cut off by her steely glare. “It’s none of my business,” I quickly say, even though I’m pleased.

“I don’t know why you’re so bothered who I spend my time with,” she casually mutters, grabbing her book and opening it.

I lay Ivy back into her basket and cover her with a blanket. “Tell me about the debts.”

She sighs heavily, placing the book on her bedside table. “Why?”

I shrug from my kutte and place it on the hook by the door. “You said you’re paying your mum’s and Nate’s debts?”

I kick off my boots and slip from my jeans, throwing them over a chair before sliding into bed beside her. I don’t plan on staying with her, but I want her to open up, so I wrap an arm around her and pull her to lay against my chest. When she throws her leg over mine, I run my other hand up and down her thigh. “After Dad left us, we realised he’d run up loads of gambling and drug debts. Mum was already selling herself. She’d worked on the streets. It’s how she met Dad.”

“He was a customer?” I ask.

“Yeah, and then he became her pimp. Anyway, after he left, there were always debt collectors at the door. They took whatever we had worth anything and it still wasn’t enough. Mum made a deal and sold herself to them. And there were a lot of men calling. Then Nate started working for some dealers. It got us some good money in and we’d almost paid the debts, until he started taking the gear. He’d take what little money Mum earned and spend it on drink and drugs. When I turned eleven, he said it was time I earned my keep.” The words sound bitter, and I place a gentle kiss on her head. “You’d be surprised how many men pay to have sex with an underage girl.”

“Sick fuckers,” I mutter.

“And it’s been the same thing ever since. I give them half my earnings from Zen, and they stay off my back. But lately, Nate’s been getting in too deep. He owes the Kings money, and they want cash, so he’s working for free right now to sell their gear. Which means he’s turning to others to supply him, and those men are happy to exchange it for sex.”

“Jesus, Luna. Why didn’t you tell anyone this? Axel would’ve helped.”

“Do you know how embarrassing it is to talk about this stuff? Family is meant to support and help, not use and abuse. I was coping fine until I had Ivy.”

“You didn’t tell any of us about her. You just stopped coming here.” I pause before adding, “Yet the Kings know.”

She bristles. “You spoke to someone there?”

“I spoke to Reaper himself.”

She drags her leg from over mine and pushes to sit. “Why?”

“Club business. Why did he get to know but not us?”

“Because out of everyone in my life, the Demons are like my family,” she snaps, “and I couldn’t stand to be kicked out.”

“Kicked out?” I repeat.

“What good is a club whore if she can’t have sex?” She turns to look at me. “I’m not stupid, Grizz. I know we’re not seen as part of the club and I get why, but to me, you were the closest thing to family. It hurt less for me to make a choice and walk away than be kicked out.”

Her words are like a punch to the stomach, but she’s right. Until Lexi came along to force us to take notice of the club girls, we would have treated her exactly like that and replaced her. “Things are different now.”

“Why? Because Lex forced you all to pick a girl and show some interest?”

“You slept with Reaper,” I say, and the words pull at the jealousy I’m trying to keep hidden. “Is he Ivy’s dad?” She gives her head a shake but avoids my eyes. “Did he hurt you?”

“No. He was . . . nice.”

Nice. Her response pisses me off. “If he was so nice, why did you come to the Demons?”

She rolls her eyes. “If you’re gonna get all pissy about it, don’t ask.”
