Page 9 of Raven's Place

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We go straight to the VIP floor and find Riggs and some of the other guys there. The ol’ ladies break off to their men, and I head to the bar. Chloe, the bartender, grins. “You can’t keep away.”

“Not my idea,” I mutter. She hands me a shot, and I knock it back. Glancing around, my eyes settle on him. Vinn is at his usual table, reserved for him to entertain clients and special guests. Our eyes connect briefly before his attention is pulled away by a female sitting beside him.

“I always thought you and he were . . . well, yah know,” says Chloe. “But tonight, he put that rumour to bed by bringing in his fiancée,” she says excitedly. A strained noise leaves my throat, and I smile. It must come across as painful because she frowns. “Are you okay?” I nod, taking the vodka and Coke she offers. “Are you sure? You look sick.”

I take a few mouthfuls of my drink. “The shot was too strong,” I mutter.

“Anyway, her name is Sofia. He introduced her to everyone. He looks so in love,” she gushes. The rest of her words fade as I watch the way Vinn listens with interest to whatever Sofia’s saying. I’m lucky if he bothers to look up from his mobile phone. I’m so lost in thought that it takes me a second to realise he’s heading my way. I panic, quickly turning away to face Chloe, who has now stopped talking and is watching him approach.

“Chloe, give us a minute, would you?” he asks politely, and she practically swoons away to the other side of the bar. “Corvo, I didn’t expect to see you in here,” he says. He doesn’t sound happy about my unannounced visit.

I take a breath to steady the churning feeling I have in my stomach. “The girls wanted to come here. Riggs must have told Anna he was here.”

“How’s your night been?”

“Good, really good,” I lie. Remembering I have his credit card, I fish it from my bag. “Thanks. There was nothing I liked.”

“Liar. You spent over five hundred pounds today. Two hundred of that was in Tallulah Lingerie.” He looks smug with his finds, and I narrow my eyes.

“Stop spying on my bank balance, it’s weird.”

“My question is, why would you spend that much on lingerie if you weren’t planning on seeing me tonight? You turned down my dinner invite.”

“I like pretty underwear,” I snap.

“Me too. Especially on you. When are you going to show me?”

“Jesus, Vinn, your fiancée is sitting right there,” I hiss. “When are you going to realise, this has to stop?”

“It stops when I say, Corvo. Come and meet Sofia.” He grabs my hand and tugs me hard behind him. I pull back, trying to protest without making a scene, but he only drags me harder until we’re at his table. “Sofia, meet my assistant, Raven,” he announces, pulling me from behind him like he’s presenting a prize. She smiles, and it’s friendly and cute. Of course, it is. She’s exactly what I imagined Vinn would go for—dark hair, natural beauty, tanned skin, perfect smile, and amazing hazel-coloured eyes. She’s completely the opposite to me.

“Hi, great to meet you,” she says with a thick Italian accent.

“And you,” I say, awkwardly.

“Join us,” she adds, holding out a glass of champagne. Vinn places his hand on my lower back, gently pushing me to take the glass.

He waits for Sofia to be distracted before leaning in close. “Sit down, Corvo.”

“Vinn, would you mind if I borrow Raven for a minute or two? She lost a bet and owes me a drink.” I stare wide-eyed at the new guy, Mac.

“Just order it and stick it on my tab,” says Vinn, irritated.

“But then she wouldn’t be paying up on her debt.”

Vinn’s eyes burn into mine. He isn’t happy, and I know he’s trying to work out what this guy’s game is. “You playing games, Corvo?” he asks. It’s a loaded question—he wants to know if I’ve broken our deal even though he’s sat here with his fucking fiancée.

“Enjoy the rest of your evening,” I say to Sofia. She smiles before going back to her conversation with Leia. “I’ll be in the office first thing,” I add to Vinn. I get a step away before his hand wraps around my wrist and I’m pulled back to him. He presses his mouth close to my ear.

“Don’t do anything you might regret,” he hisses.

“I never have regrets,” I whisper back, and his eyes connect with mine, “until you.” I pull free and follow Mac towards the bar.

I release a breath and pull myself onto the bar seat. “You looked like you needed to get away,” says Mac, and I smile gratefully. “You work for him, right?” I nod. “He seems a little intense for a boss.”

“That’s Vinn all over,” I mutter, “intense and full on.”

“Does anyone know?” he asks, and I stare at him quizzically. “That you’re a thing?” he adds.
