Page 40 of Dare You to Ruin Me

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"Sara, moya lyubov', it's alright," I murmur gently as I gather her into my arms. "You're safe now, I've got you."

She clings to me desperately, tears soaking into my shirt. I stroke her hair and back soothingly. "It's over, he's gone. I won't let anyone hurt you or our baby, I promise."

I feel her slowly start to relax in my embrace. Her sobs subside into soft hiccups. Pulling back slightly, I cup her face and brush the tears from her cheeks with my thumbs.

"No one will ever threaten you again, my love," I vow, my tone fierce and protective. "I'll destroy anyone who tries to harm you."

Sara's eyes search mine, and I see fear mingling with trust and relief in her watery gaze. She knows I speak the truth - with me, she and our unborn baby will always be safe.

I gently kiss her forehead and help her stand on shaky legs. "Let's get you to the hospital, dorogaya," I murmur. Keeping an arm securely around her, I lead Sara from the room without a backward glance at Mikhail's lifeless body. Ivan will take care of it.

I guide Sara through the hospital doors, keeping a protective arm around her. She's still trembling slightly, her face pale. My jaw clenches at the sight - no one will make her feel such fear ever again.

We approach the front desk, and I explain tersely that Sara needs to be examined. The nurse looks at Sara's tear-stained face and ushers us back immediately.

As we walk, I rub Sara's back gently. "It's alright, lyubimaya. The doctors will make sure you and the baby are healthy."

Sara leans into me as she nods, her body trembling slightly. I can't help but feel a pang of surprise at her trust in me, even after witnessing what I did to Mikhail. I wrap my arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer, and offer her a reassuring smile.

"You're safe now, Sara," I murmur, trying to infuse my voice with as much warmth and comfort as possible. "I won't let anyone hurt you ever again.”

The nurse brings us into an exam room. As she asks Sara questions, I pace anxiously, loathing that I can't stay by her side. The nurse leaves a while later.

My phone buzzes in my pocket - it's Ivan. I silence it quickly, not wanting to upset Sara further. But I know I need to deal with the situation at the house from Ivan's text that follows almost immediately.

I cup Sara's face in my hands. "I have to step out for a bit, my love. But I'll be back by your side as soon as I can. Get some rest." I press a lingering kiss on her forehead. She tries to say something, but I stop her.

"Shh moya lyubov', just rest," I murmur. "You're safe."

With one last glance back at Sara's exhausted but peaceful face, I steel myself and head out to deal with the grisly task that awaits me.

Mikhail's body is right where I left it, blood pooling thickly beneath him. The sight stirs no emotion in me - he deserved this end for threatening Sara. Ivan and I get to work quickly, dismantling any evidence.

As we scrub the floors clean of blood, I think only of Sara resting safely in the hospital, our child nestled inside her. The frat house has been sterilized of my DNA by the time we've stuffed Mikhail's body into a trunk.

Ivan follows my car to a secluded spot in the woods. We dig a deep grave and roll Mikhail's body into the earth without ceremony. As I shovel dirt over his makeshift tomb, I feel nothing but cold satisfaction.

I clap Ivan on the back in thanks - I can always count on him to handle the ugly necessities without questions.



I'm jolted awake by a loud banging on the door. Before I can react, it bursts open, and Lorenzo storms in, his face contorted in rage.

"Puttana!" You whore, he spits at me. "Pregnant with a Russian bastard's child!"

I'm frozen in shock, my groggy mind struggling to process his words. Pregnant? How could he know? I glance around frantically for Dimitri, but he's nowhere to be seen. Lorenzo is beside himself, cursing and yelling obscenities at me. I instinctively pull the sheets up to my chin, trying to shield myself from his verbal assault.

Suddenly, Lorenzo grabs my arm in a vice-like grip and yanks me out of bed. I cry out in pain and surprise. He drags me across the floor as I struggle against him, pleading for him to stop. I try to break free, but his hand only tightens, bruising my arm.

It must be late at night because the hallway is practically empty and the few nurses around are far away and don’t realize what is going on.

Lorenzo hauls me down the stairs, ignoring my protests. We're heading for the front door, and desperation sets in. He's going to take me away from here.

"No, please!" I beg. "Lorenzo, please, you're hurting me! Just stop for a minute and listen!"

But Lorenzo is beyond reason. He shoves me into the backseat of his flashy sports car and slams the door shut. I immediately try the handle, but it's locked. Lorenzo gets in and speeds away, the tires squealing on the pavement.
