Page 70 of No Secrets

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“It’s not just about what he needs. It’s about what I crave too. The control, the trust…it’s intoxicating.”

“Intoxicating.” Master Mark chewed over the word as if tasting a fine whiskey. “But are you drunk on power or drunk on him?”

“Both,” Roman said without hesitation. “But it’s not some fleeting high. It’s grounded in something real, something solid between us.”

Mark ceased his tapping. “When you’re with Caleb, when you’re calling the shots, how does that make you feel?”

“Alive.” The truth surged through Roman like an electric current. “More myself than I’ve been in years. I love the responsibility, the intensity. It’s like I discovered a new part of me, like I unleashed something. It’s hard to explain, but it’s not a game for me.”

“Good. Because for Caleb, this isn’t a game either. It’s his reality. It’s who he is at his very core.”

“I’m beginning to understand that, and that’s why I’m asking for your help. I want you to train me, to help me become the Dom Caleb needs.”

Mark whistled. “You really are serious about this.”

“As serious as can be.”

“Does Wander know? Does Caleb?”

“Yes and no. I told Wander, but I can hardly ask my brother to train me, since that would cross boundaries between us I’m not comfortable crossing. And I haven’t talked to Caleb about it because…” He couldn’t tell Mark Caleb was in Boston, but he had to give him something. “I wanted to get your approval first.”

Mark leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers. “You know I’ve had my share of scenes with Caleb, right? Intense ones involving sex. I just wanted to put that out in the open.”

The words hit like a punch to the gut. A fleeting storm cloud of jealousy darkened Roman’s thoughts. He’d known this, of course, but to hear the man mention it so casually was still jarring. A pause, brief as a heartbeat, and then Roman drew in a deep breath, expelling the unwanted emotion. “I’m aware, but it was before he and I met and connected. And Caleb speaks highly of you and trusts you. That’s enough for me.”

Mark nodded. “Glad to hear it. He’s a sweet kid and a fantastic sub. Very eager to please.”

Roman sat again, some of his unrest spewing out of him. “He is.”

“Trust is sacred. Consent, communication, and trust are the pillars of what we do.”


“Training you means taking on responsibility for you, and I don’t do that lightly. Granted, the fact that you’re Wander’s brother makes it easier, but still. As your trainer, I’m responsible for you. So before I make a decision, I need to make sure you understand what it is we do. I play by the principles of RACK. Are you familiar with that?”

“Risk-aware consensual kink?” Roman recalled a term from the depths of the online forums he’d scoured.

“Correct. There’s a crucial difference between RACK and the often-cited principle of safe, sane, and consensual, which is a philosophy I don’t adhere to. Do you know the difference?”

He’d done his homework. “RACK can include kinks that aren’t considered safe per se.”

“Exactly.” A shadow of a smile played on Mark’s lips. “I’m glad to see you did your research. RACK operates based on a clear understanding of the risks involved and explicit consent. Breath play, for example, can be considered unsafe by some, but it would be covered by RACK.”


“It’s not just about what you do. It’s about why you do it, how you do it. And always, always with consent.”

“Consent is everything,” Roman echoed solemnly. This was more than a passing fancy. This was a commitment to Caleb’s well-being, to their future. The Dominant within him awoke, hungry for the knowledge that would make him worthy of the title.

“Training as a Dom is not a four-week course or even a four-month one. You’ll commit to a year of training with me, with at least one session per week. Of course life can get in the way, but that’s the goal.”

“I’m on board with that.”

“As part of your training, you’ll also have to submit to me. We’ll train with Caleb as your sub, but we’ll also do sessions with you as sub and me as Dom. It’s crucial for every Dom to have been in a sub’s shoes so you know what that feels like.”

Oof, that wouldn’t come easy to him, but he understood the principle behind it. Good lawyers were the ones who had worked both sides of the aisle as well, both as a prosecutor and as a defender. “I have no issues with that. You come highly recommended.”

“Thank you.” Master Mark’s nod was curt, decisive. “Training is intense. It will challenge you, strip you down to your core. You ready for that?”
