Page 57 of Ex-SEAL Billionaire

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I tense involuntarily. Did Jack witness my humiliation? Sudden tears threaten to bubble up again, along with the shame at appearing so weak and powerless when Jack seems to be the utter embodiment of strength.

Seeing my expression crumble, Grace rushes to add, “He and Cade are the reason nothing worse happened. They barged in and stopped Preston before . . .” she trails off, swallowing thickly.

My stomach lurches. Preston intended to rape me, but Jack and Cade thwarted him. Rage, terror, and embarrassment war at having been at that man’s mercy. I squeeze my eyes shut, willing back some semblance of control.

“Maddie?” Grace asks tentatively after a few moments. “Do you want to see Jack now?”

I consider refusing, mortification still churning in my gut. But Grace said he came to my rescue. I can at least thank him face-to-face.

Taking a shaky breath, I slowly nod.

Grace squeezes my hand before walking to the door. She admits Jack, whose tired appearance makes my chest clench. His dress shirt is badly rumpled, and his jaw is dark with stubble. Judging from his bloodshot eyes and the deep grooves lining his forehead, he clearly didn’t get any sleep last night.

Grace beckons subtly for Aria. “Let's give them some privacy, baby girl, hmm?”

As the door clicks closed, we remain suspended in crackling silence. I drink in every detail of his battered yet still heart-stopping features. Alongside bone-deep relief at his presence, anger and hurt swirl. I haven’t forgotten his true feelings about me. I cling unconsciously to my thin hospital gown, as if it is a shield.

“Hi, Jack,” I rasp, my voice still scraped raw. I bite my lip. “I . . . thank you. For finding me and stopping Preston before he . . .” I trail off, bile scorching my throat.

Jack just nods once, pain flashing briefly across his face. He starts to reach toward me but catches himself, fists balling furiously at his sides instead.

“That scumbag will face justice for this,” Jack says through gritted teeth. He looks into my eyes. “When I saw you just lying there motionless, I thought the worst.”

I fight back tears as he continues, his voice hoarse with emotion. “If that creep truly hurt you, I don’t think I could have ever forgiven myself.”

He rubs a hand roughly down his unshaven face. “Preston's locked up for now. His father tried getting him out on bail last night, but luckily, I know a few people as well. The years spent in boarding school are finally paying off. And Cade’s buddy, Mike, will make sure his stay in jail is as uncomfortable as can be.”

Jack hesitates, then reaches tentatively for my hand. I clutch his warm, solid grip, longing to feel his strong embrace around me.

Sensing this, he slowly sits at my bedside, enveloping me against his broad chest. Unable to hold back any longer, I let out all the hurt, fear and anger, crying brokenly into him. Wave after wave crashes through me as Jack just holds me steady, soothing me with the repetition of his hand stroking my hair.

Eventually, my tears slow down, leaving me utterly drained. Jack continues rocking me gently, murmuring soft reassurances.

Once I have calmed somewhat, he pulls back to meet my eyes. “I hired the top attorney in the city to represent you. She'll make sure the prosecutor throws all her weight at Preston, so he faces proper charges and justice for what he did.”

I nod weakly, fresh anger flaring toward the man who tried to rape me.

“The most important thing now is that you focus on healing, both physically and mentally,” Jack adds, his jaw tight. “The doctors said you should be clear to leave by tomorrow.”

I consider the prospect of returning to the brownstone. But the thought of enduring his detached pity and glances full of regret fills me with utter despair.

“I'd rather go back to my apartment uptown and be with my sisters,” I whisper.

Jack looks disappointed, but he nods. “Of course. You should go where you'll feel most comfortable recovering,” he agrees, pressing his lips into a thin line.

He lets out a long breath, fatigue showing on his face. “That's probably best,” he adds quietly, decisively closing the topic. His eyes are full of feelings I'm too tired to figure out.

As Jack stands to leave, giving my hand one last comforting squeeze, his phone suddenly rings. As he listens, his face darkens. “What the hell are you doing here? You're not allowed . . .” He drops my hand, storming toward the door and flinging it open just as the call disconnects. Heavy footsteps echo down the hall, rapidly approaching. Jack braces in the doorway, muscles tensed as Roger Walsh comes into view, red-faced and flanked by two suited men.

“Out of my way, Whitmore! I'm going to see that little liar and make sure she drops these outrageous accusations.” He tries shouldering past Jack, who blocks him easily.

There is a commotion in the hallway. Cade and Grace demand that he leave, calling for hospital security.

“That girl ruined my son!” Walsh screams hysterically.

Jack blocks the door with his large frame. “Your son is a criminal. And he'll be spending the weekend in a jail cell getting a preview of what's to come.” He takes a threatening step closer to Roger. “I know you tried calling in favors to get him released. But you can save your money.”

Grunts and shouting erupt outside. I glimpse Aria's terrified face before Cade wraps a protective arm around her, swiftly moving her behind him.

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