Page 54 of Ex-SEAL Billionaire

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“Maddie, I think this is the start of a game-changing alliance!” she croons.

We are laughing over her dramatic impersonation of stodgy executives struggling with Snapchat filters when Preston sidles up, looking dapper and sporting an easy grin.

“Hope I'm not interrupting something over here ladies?” He holds up his hands jokingly.

“We were just concocting ways to drag our venerable leaders into the mobile age,” Devon beams. “They can barely work Zoom, don't know how we're planning to manage virtual reality!”

Preston chuckles. “Well, if anyone can deliver grandpa technology training, something tells me you two girls have the magic touch.” His eyes crinkle pleasantly, emphasizing the compliment. “Your TikTok clips are quite popular in my feed, Maddie.”

I shift my weight uncomfortably but keep up the polite conversation, hoping to make my exit soon. Devon swoons visibly at Preston's charismatic small talk. Watching her reaction, I consider that I might have been unfairly harsh in my judgment of him.

“Let me top off your drinks, ladies,” he offers. “What’s your poison tonight?”

“I’ll have another peach bellini,” I say.

“A cosmopolitan for me,” Devon chirps, and Preston disappears into the crowd.

She gestures excitedly at the skyline brimming with famous landmarks. “I swear, I'll never take this view for granted.”

I nod thoughtfully, taking in the glitter around us. As a newcomer, living in the city still feels magical.

My eyes wander the crowd, unconsciously searching for Jack's imposing frame. But there are no stormy green eyes to meet mine across the room. Had he already left? Or is he still in a meeting with the suits he came with?

Devon clinks her glass to mine. “By the way, I just have to fan girl and say I love your TikTok channel! I may or may not have picked up some MadeYaLookMaddie dance moves.”

She does an exaggerated hair flip making us both crack up. I wave her off, enjoying this newfound friendship.

“For real though, your stuff is amazing,” Devon continues sincerely. “I have major respect for how you use creativity and humor to address real issues. Plus, your collabs with other creators are super fun! That Jace guy especially, you two clearly have chemistry.”

“Aw thanks! Jace is great to vibe ideas with. Maybe we can figure out a Walsh-Whitmore crossover dance dare soon too! Let’s hope for the best outcome of the negotiations.”

“Oh, are we talking about the MadeYaLookMaddie TikTok slay queen in our midst?” A cheerful voice pops up behind us. Devon and I turn to see Preston grinning widely, holding our drinks. “Sorry, I couldn't help overhearing.”

I laugh lightly. “Yes, Devon was just mentioning she enjoys some of my videos.”

“Enjoy is an understatement. I'm borderline obsessed!” Devon gushes. “Maddie, you and Jace need to host workshops. The choreography you whipped up to “Domino”? Iconic!”

Preston bobs his head enthusiastically. “Oh man, I was trying those moves at home to impress my nieces!” He attempts mimicking some steps, making us crack up. “Didn’t go that well.”

Still giggling, I nudge his arm good-naturedly. “Clearly we need a workshop if there are so many secret aspiring dancers around me!”

We chat a bit longer, but then Devon excuses herself to greet a friend as an upbeat song starts pumping.

Seeing her leave, I tense up, desperately looking around the room for an excuse. I’m not too comfortable being alone with Preston.

He gestures at brick archways leading to lounge enclaves, muted beats and conversation drifting out. “By the way, I ran into Jack, and he asked you to come over when you get a chance. He’s in a meeting with our CTO and Amanda, and they want you to join them.”

I stiffen, reluctant to speak to Jack after our fallout in St. Maarten. After days of tense silence, I’d rather dance naked in a subway car than have a business meeting with him. Amanda should be able to give him all the information he needs.

But instead of bolting, I smooth my features. “Of course, let’s go.” No need to make this worse than it is. I’m a big girl.

Preston leads me toward the back, weaving through happy hour revelers. I spot Devon surrounded by Chad and a few other IT guys. They buzz around her, vying for her attention, clearly hoping to make an impression. Devon beams gracious and friendly, despite their rather animated mansplaining of who knows what. I have to hide an amused grin seeing her subtly shift the frenzied orbiters aside so we can hug.

“Hey! Leaving so soon?” Devon asks, surprise flashing across her cheerful face.

“Oh no, just got summoned to weigh in on something with the big boss,” I explain breezily. “But it was so great connecting with you tonight. I’m sure we’ll get to see more of each other in the coming weeks.”

“Definitely! I’m looking forward to that.” Devon winks. She gives me another swift squeeze. “Go dazzle them, girl!”

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